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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gwaihir

  1. I like the poem, but if you want criticism I do feel that some of the words that you repeat shouldn't be because of the length of the poem.
  2. Just a couple days ago Thinas and I were trying to remember the name of the entertaining hamster guy. (Which I succeeded at let me add : )
  3. a simple unassuminig cheerful little piece. I like it.
  4. A rather messy elf looks up as he runs quickly by, but his writer peeps out from behind him 'Good to see you here Louve! :)'
  5. Gwaihir may have been a bit grassy from evening walks over fields, but he looked cheerful as he walked forward. In his arms he cradled a well-tended and much cared for present, in fact he had been so careful that his gift was almost recognizable. He stumbled forward carrying a tray of bushes shaped to say 'Happy Birthday!'
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. I still love this story
  8. Happy Birthday Foe Calibur who I am probably not supposed to call Foe Calibur!
  9. A happy birthday indeed to you
  10. Yay!! Thanks everyone. That helped a lot.
  11. I have a character who I want to name based on his being doomed to die. I would call him fey, but that's a bit too much like fay. I would most like to call him by a word that means doomed in another language. However, that means I have to find a word that not only means doomed, but can be made to sound like a good name. I mean, in Welsh doomed seems to be "melltigedig" which just isn't the best name. So, I appeal to the wits and languages of the pen. Any advice?
  12. Good to see you
  13. We'll always be here to care about you, Peredhil.
  14. so do men
  15. the ability to be caring. If they're caring they'll be generous and kind and loving and all the other things, imo.
  16. "Put murder and war aside and he's a much more respectable individual than any other leader." That's not saying much ... and you just llike that he was a vegetarian anyway
  17. As she walked off into the brush Myth chuckled to herself-she really couldn't understand why all the people who thought of themselves as team players always immolated themselves on their obsession with teamwork. She knew that she was being partly just being malicious as she showed her puzzlement to the naïve though rather kind (what use is kindness anyway?) book-reader. That wasn't all though, partly Myth really was puzzled, so she thought it over. In fact, it's probably good this was a woody region, because Myth wasn't paying much attention to her task and she would never have found the wood otherwise. How could anyone not have realized that abandoning a hurt team-mate would be considered bad by these self-effacing moralists? More importantly though, why would anyone blame the flyer for looking out for herself? Whatever use could she have been? Myth had never been taught to play in a team and to her it was simple to evaluate any possible action: How much will I gain by that action and is that gain likely to be more than what I will lose by angering my allies, contacts or even friends? More amusingly yet, how the hell had Kaleyra got it into her had that Myth was on her side? Didn't she remember that this uneasy partnership had only been started because no one involved had wanted to risk an all-out battle? Myth wondered how could Kal not have noticed the way everyone turned slightly to look at their friendly neighbourhood assassin when they didn't think she was watching. Of Course Myth was leading the winged lady into actions that benefited Myth more than Kaleyra! For a person who considered herself smart that bird could be amazingly dumb. With these reflections Myth arrived back at the stone slab and dumped four torches on the ground-Who knows what could happen to one of them and it certainly didn't seem a good idea to be lost in the dark. "Aha" Kaleyra suddenly cried out. "You know how to get it open?" asked the assassin, quite pleased. "Weell, no not yet, but I will soon." "So what's with the 'aha'?" asked Myth testily. "I found the charcoal." Myth groaned and Kaleyra quickly began to do her tracing. Then just as the scholar had finished, something happened to make them both jump- with a great grinding and creaking the stone began to slide forwards and out of the way-Kaleyra jumped about a foot and then made a gesture that looked like a cheer, but Myth just smiled slightly and tried to pretend that she had been expecting that. [/i] "So what made it open?" Myth queried "Well" The avian didn't sound too sure. "I knew the trigger would be simple; I guess all it took was to press down on the whole stone. . . And it was a good thing I did the tracing wasn't it?" she said with a smug grin. "If I had listened to you who knows when it would have opened. Myth ignored the avian and stepped down into the hole. As Kaleyra followed her Myth wondered if she didn't hear footsteps echoing somewhere in the stone, but she didnt' know so she said nothing besides "COME on!"
  18. I find free very sensous (that is the right one isn't it? ; ) rather interesting I loved the bitter but almost humourous romp of Salt. I think you do really well with metaphors. I thought that on a pale horse was the strongest or at least my favorite, because it uses the metpahor of a confessional in an extremely interesting way. lovely rhytmAlso the last line is very powerful.
  19. A very happy birthday!!
  20. Since everyone else is meeting Christ I'll have to not plick him...I guess I'll just get the reports here anyhow Living: Hmm, for this one I want to pick someone that I know I'd like to meet, but who's very hard to meet I don't know any writers well enough to know if I'd like to chat with them and I'd pick a publisher or agent if I knew of any who I was sure I could interest. However since neither of those more practical dreams would work, I think I'd meet a couple internet people. *looks around at some Pen people who probably know who they are * Unreallistic: Gandalf with my grandfather as a very close second
  21. I must agree thatthe first one is my favorite, because of the beautiful...well landscape I feel it portrays. I feel as if I were looking out on a stark snowy field. A metaphorical field Iguess . I'm not making much sense, but nice poems both.
  22. written by someone who loves me and knows how to write well. Performed by anyone who can sing well.
  23. Frankly I felt this whole segment was a bit thin, I think because you didn't quite layer as much of the descriptive stuff that you usually layer in. As far as what happened I found it very reasonable. Presuming that Donaxon can't do it alone, an honest paladin even a somewhat bitchy one is certainly the best person to turn to.
  24. I miss having enough internet time to be able to wish someone a happy bday on the correct day All the same I wish you the best, Nyyark Happy Birthday!
  25. OOC: My logic tells me that it's not wise to write a poem about person who writes poems that are sometimes much better than any I can write, but I wasn't feeling logical so I wrote one anyway. Btw, this poem struck me when I was reminded that Psimon had two loves and each one possessed one of his hearts So strange that I can be lonely, missing My loves. I'm so much more than some mortal But now I'm torn, I feel confused like those mortals If I knew what to do, where they'd be In a flash I would do what it takes I'd ignore gain and loss pain and joy My power is about more than a few Small lives. Why then do I falter?
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