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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gwaihir

  1. Ntraveler, we all do--ie as many people as can do until it covers it.
  2. *pout* bastards tell stories
  3. Btw, I write here too, though I'm silly and turned in my story a day after the final deadline, so it's on the alternate page, not the same page as Yui and now if you want to read at least the first bit of the stories for free you can, which is cool.
  4. Everything you write is fun to read *sits down to wait more*
  5. Equal doesn't mean the same
  6. Quill Quest turned down at the request of its owner (Merelas)
  7. I like Illianna's idea so... mine and Vlad's haiku's...certainly not particularly proud of my side of the set, but... The tree stands in grass Sun setting red ...makes shadows To hide a killer Dusk be the perfect cover For death to strike in it's wake Marching fire ants See unwary picnickers Move in as to strike Just as I'd fallen asleep; Warm grass and my yelling son The plump child sits Bread crumbs spill over the ground Chomp--ant bites--kid yells Burning sensation in chest, Last light he saw - setting sun.
  8. I guess I'd just much rather have a secret tape recorder than a secret camera. I've been pondering this for a few days and I can't think of anything for a camera, but like Merlas my interest would probably be political debates. I think I'd put my taperecorder in a room where questions of international diplomacy are most often discussed.
  9. Lol! that's hilarious. It sounds as if there's a story there?
  10. They don't have to no. And for the sake of time (there've been a lot of them recently) Ozy and I've been not bothering them. That was something the elders had to do when the loremaster was away, but now we have two, so there's no need and frankly some things can more quickly be done without a committee
  11. This is better than you gave us to think it was . I think that in the first couple stanzas you're shifting word order for the rhyme and it shows, but otherwise I'd say rhyme supports your poem nicely. I like the circling back that you achieve by your references to diplomacy and politeness at the beginning and end. Btw, wonderful title.
  12. Well quill quests should be interactive and should take a good amount of writing from the one doing the quest, but most importantly they should be fun! Once you get the idea propose it to one of your local loremasters and we can help you refine it and then approve it.
  13. This is great. The detail of the voice being sweet is nice and I never expected the door to want a password too.
  14. It's awesome to have you around and I wish you a very happy birthday .
  15. The small man stuck his head out from under the table. The death must cease. This is horror. By all means kill Jim since he is a murderer.
  16. Gwaihir was mainly confusied to find himself suddenly on the other side of the room. At first he just figured that he must have walked over and not noticed. Orlan however, realized immediately what had happened when he found himself suddenly in the body of a very messy looking half elf. He looked like disaster and that was not how Orlan liked to look at a ball. It took Gwaihir much longer to realize what had happened. He wondered how this had happened and scratched his head--with something very gooey. Apparently, Orlan had been holding a slice of cake at the time...it must have been cut before Gwaihir went dancing. But now, the sexy sexy elder's hair was out of place and more importantly full of cake. The chocolate crumbs dribbled down his head and onto his shoulders....except the ones that stuck in the icing. And there was certainly enough icing--all over his head. Gwaihir looked at his hand which now held a mostly empty plate. He shrugged and put it in the garbage can. 'I really should pay more attention to what I'm doing--how ever did I come to be holding an empty plate?' He shrugged and wiped his hands on his jacket...jacket? Since when had he had a jacket this nice? Gwaihir looked down at himself and when he was paying attention even he could tell who he was and who he certainly wasn't. The only problem was that Gwai couldn't figure out who he was. There must be someone around here who looked like this; he sort of recognized the style, but who could it be? Gwaihir shrugged and walked up to what looked like Yui...only to trip on a rather annoyed black mamba. He looked at it with alarm--now animals Gwai could recognize. 'Umm, Sir, please don't hurt me' he said earnestly. He just had to get to Yui. She was sure to know who he was and she was nice.
  17. What a perfect portrayal of the ending of a long relationship (of any sort.) I love it. (and I can't even thing of changes to recommend except for a the in the third to last line.)
  18. As you know, I think this is a wonderful idea. Sign me up to partner with someone
  19. the little man in the corner shook as he spoke, but it was clear that he felt that speak he must. What's all this accusing going on.? This is horrible. That pretty girl ain't no werewolf. I refuse to wish anyone's death I tell you!
  20. A public vote or a private vote?
  21. the man under the table darted out. His head quickly jerked about as it looked everywhich way. He seemed to be searching for the wolf pack. "What is the world coming to?" he asked in alarm and covered his face with his hands. "Oh, OH OHH!"
  22. When Gwai rushed in the door it was only about a minute late, but that wasn't the problem. As he stumbled to the stage, everyone could see why he was having trouble walking this time--he was putting on his pants! Someone gasped and he blushed. "Suddenly my clock turned five till four, and I knew I had to be here at four o clock to read, but I was way out at the cabbage patch and ...well some people didn't approve of my dress clothes at the Fall Ball, so I can just guess what you all would have thought of my work clothes. I knew that I wouldn't have had time to get here if I changed first and then came, so I did them both at once." This as he buckles his belt. "Well, umm anyway, my poem, 'My Sister's Lack of Realism.'" No one can be that sort of dream brother. And when she says she misses me, I almost wonder why It's not that I don't miss her too, a lot. But they admire me so much--so strange of them. And if I see farther, I am standing on the backs of giants I am a dwarf, and when will she notice. I know that I am in no way a star, But as I watch her grow and learn Maybe she is. She grows so beautiful and so mature. I watch her learn to not always demand the bright spotlight, I watch her grow and give her most loved treats away So bright, so kind, so wonderful... I know that she's a star!
  23. As I say, I'm still willing to do one, but no one's given me instructions so I remain that way.
  24. Myth looked at these people and grimaced. She looked at Timothy "You fool, you're going to faint from blood loss soon. Here. If anyone had had the time to think about it, it woudl have been no surprise that Myth had something as practical as bandages in her cloak, but they certainly might have thought it strange that she used them on someone besides herself. Timothy probably found it rather hard to appreciate his extremely rough nurse at the time, because gentle hands were not quite something Myth bothered with, but she did what was needed and to be fair to her she did it rigiht. She could not have stopped the blood or healed the flesh in any way for she had no magic, but unbeknownst to her that was exactly what the avian was doing. She watched as Jagon advanced at Kaleyra and mentally winced, but she knew there was nothing she could do. The stupid bird just didn't pay attention to herself. "No." The word had more power had expected and she turned to look. Quickly enough the bandaging was done and Myth watched for her moment to attack and not be noticed.
  25. *crash* *smash* *bash* Gwaihir was trying to put up a big sign, which read Congratulations but it really didn't help that he kept dropping it on things. People turned to look at him, and he quickly became shy and embarassed. "Well, I was just putting up the decorations and getting ready for the announcement; I wasn't planning to make it myself. The big king guy is better than I am at such things and he isn't quite as ... clumsy. But now you're all looking at me and wondering what I'm talking about. Well, I think I'll make the announcement myself so that you don't have to wonder what I'm talking about. Well, congratulations to Appy, Arwen, Doomgaze, Regel and Solivagus! For the effort you've put in, the time and the caring we have decideed that it's high time to make you Pages of the Pen. You're all people we're really glad to have around. There are also a few people who have been here a while and we think it's highly time to give them their quill. Merelas, Parmenion and Zariah All three of you have put in the effort over the long haul and you really change this place for the better. Here, take your quill and write with it proudly for us. OOC: In fact, I'd like to challenge all those who were promoted to write a post about your own promotion. Congrats all and thank you all for being here .
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