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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gwaihir

  1. As she entered the room, a cold chill seemed to bathe their souls. Everyone she looked at shuddered and she knew that if she glared long enough they would shrivel up. The ice queen laughed to herself “What petty mortals these people were.” As she passed by them the various mortals squawked at her. She heeded them not, because their words were meaningless. Occasionally, however, she did listen to their small requests, because she knew that a the best way to show power was to stoop and help others—to prove that one could. She stopped and looked over her realm. It was a wasteland of snow and empty words. Strewn across this world were the corpses of her siblings as they had fallen in her wake. She was mighty and nothing could stop her. The bell tower knelled and she brushed the dust off her robes and preened, after all evil villains must always look their best. She looked out over her moat and across the plains. No, her warlord was still not here. She shook her black locks in disgust. Perhaps it was time to retreat into her tower to keep watch for him. Ahah, that sounded like his horses. She smiled and walked out into the night. Now here was a loyal subject she thought as he opened the door of his car to her. As she entered the room, a cold chill seemed to bathe their souls Close the door, Sarah! It’s absolutely freezing out there! Everyone she looked at shuddered and she knew that if she glared long enough they would shrivel up. The ice queen laughed to herself “What petty mortals these people were” Don’t kick the baby’s shoes out of the way. As she passed by them the various mortals squawked at her. She heeded them not, because their words were meaningless. Don’t you look at me like that, pick up the shoes and bring them back! Occasionally, however, she did listen to their small requests, because she knew that a the best way to show power was to stoop and help others—to prove that one could. She stopped and looked over her realm. It was a wasteland of snow and empty words. Strewn across this world were the corpses of her siblings as they had fallen in her wake. She was mighty and nothing could stop her. Mom, Sarah pushed me over again. Tell her to stop! She brushed the dust off her robes and preened, after all evil villains must always look their best. Sarah, don’t come out into the living room if you’re going to act like that. Behave. She looked out over her moat and across the plains. No, her warlord was still not here. She shook her black locks in disgust. Perhaps it was time to retreat into her tower to keep watch for him. And don’t...Oh, that sounds Jason, well you can go, but don’t be back too late this time. She smiled and walked out into the night. Now here was a loyal subject she thought as he opened the door of his car to her.
  2. A neat reflection, but it belongs in the Assembly Room I think.
  3. An appealling poem and a beautiful sig (though a bit big), but I'm moving it to the library, because that's really the ideal place for work written by others.
  4. The Cabbages praised By the master of humour I am quite flattered. Finnius, great haikus. You always write entertaining ones and mine certainly isn't trying to compare, but that sentence just naturally fit the form, so I had to write it that way.
  5. Just a random poem that came, criticsm and comments welcome Taize So strange for me, a word Lover, to understand—“Just Sing along—words don’t really matter.” Good thing they don’t; They’re all in French, and French is Greek to me! “Lumiere en tenebre” That’s what it’s all about; Darkness and light, that’s what matters, The quietness and the candles. Scarcely a sound, we sit so still. Staring at the candles, Staring at the ceiling And then stealing a look around the room; The ceiling’s conical and of wood beams. I’d never noticed that before. So dark and all in French But when I look around again I see you all, community of friends Darkness and light, The candles seem so bright they hurt my eyes. I look around, a friend smiles, In French and not with words. “Lumiere en tenebre” Meditation, in song, with friends That’s what matters.
  6. Appy, I never meant to suggest that posts like yours that seem to be clearly full ofthought are not welcome. To me, Salinye's questions are an excellent example of a great way to ask questions that are designed to provke interesting answers and are answered in interesting ways.
  7. With all due respect, I'd like to note that questionaires are not encouraged here.
  8. Happy Birthday lumpen! [edited to note that I didn't even manage to make this post make any sense]
  9. Salinye is like Flounder from the little mermaid because...AAAck *dashes off, because she sees Salinye glaring threateningly*
  10. Well frankly, I was just hoping to do a goofy column called Loremaster's Notes or something that would involve a little bit of useful information and a lot of Gwaihir tripping all over the place.
  11. Up between the high walls of the pen and the shoutbox now live a list of Frequently Asked Questions. They are intended so that even those who have been around a bit may find something interesting there. Please go look and find any errors I may have made or just read to learn. As noted in the FAQ Note: Thank you so much to everyone who helped with this. It is much appreciated. Credit for the FAQs is as follows--FAQs compiled by Gwaihir and answers written by Gwaihir, Degenero Angelus, Aegon, Orlan, Salinye, Ayshela, Wyvern and Nyyark. Credit for help thinking up questions also goes to Yui-Chan, Tyrion, Merelas and Wyvern. Thanks also to Nyyark for making this forum and organizing it.
  12. So, I've tried to create a FAQ that will answer some basic questions that people will have, but going on to some more advanced ones. I deeply advise everyone to read this, whether to find errors I've made or to learn something interesting. Note that the questions are put in abbreviated form in the titles, so if the question doesn't make sense...read the question and/or PM an Elder. All criticism, and all comments and questions in the Cabaret room, on these go in a PM to me, to spread awareness that these FAQs exist. Much thanks to everyone who worked on these and helped out! ~ Gwaihir T These FAQs have undergone several iterations, the first FAQ of which was constructed by Nyyark. Many thanks to him for starting on this task. After some time, the FAQs were compiled by Gwaihir, above. In that compilation, the questions were thought up by Yui-Chan, Tyrion, Merelas and Wyvern. Great thanks to you guys and girl for all your hard work. The answers were written by Gwaihir, Degenero Angelus, Aegon, Orlan, Salinye, Ayshela, Wyvern, Nyyark, and Yui-chan. Eventually I reworked the layout, adding a Table of Contents and attempting to make it user-friendlier. We also added some questions that had popped up since the previous version, and that is basically what you presently see on your screen. Thanks go out to Sweetcherrie, Yui-Chan, Peredhil, and the current Guild-Leaders for their contributions. If you see anything here that may be wrong, that is unclear, or needs editing in any way, please don't hesitate to let an Elder know. All feedback is appreciated, no matter how small or in-depth. ~ Vlad The FAQ was updated by Peredhil in June 2014. ~Tanny
  13. Mildly unusual use of commas, but once I get used to them I like it Also, a pleasing way of making good out of bad. You start with a first stanza that sounds like a angsty goth poem, but by the end its escapist, but cheerful
  14. A interesting (so far) fragment. I, personally, like they rhyme. You do it well, so it doesn't feel constricting to me. Is it intentional that you sometimes start lines with a trochee instead of an iamb (for those who aren't deeply into terminology, that is syllables going strong weak instead of iambs which go weak strong) I will definitely read the rest of this when (if) you post it. Really, you should come here more often .
  15. 1) A Pen Member Fishy Sal 2) A distance six inches 3) A place in the Pen Orlan's bed 4) An adjective hippopotamus-like 5) A number seven 6) A noun triangular porpise 7) A verb chuckle like a hungry maniac An adjective squelchy 9) A Color The colour of Tyrion's face after he makes ten mispellings 10) A plural noun stegosaurus underwear 11) A material slashed silk 12) A type of light black light 13) A part of body pinkie finger 14) A name for an underling servant 15) An animal (plural) baby tapirs 16) An adjective potato-like 17) A height 6' 3 18) A cryptic phrase He's like lacadaisical giraffe 19) A verb defenestrate 20) Any phrase apple blossoms in the sink
  16. (Psst, Vlad, you should post that history of the haiku plus examples part--it would answer that question and then I could promote you ; )
  17. I wish you the best of luck and the smoothest of moves
  18. Happy Birthday
  19. Well I was thinking of writing something that tried to be both humourous and practical, but I don't know--can't do anything for a couple days, because I'm drowing in work myself
  20. This is really interesting. The fear seems to get stronger and stronger as the poem reaches to a climax when the hands find you and pick you up...and then they aren't scary hands after all. I think that the reason I find this so strong is that you take what would have to be a single moment--the moment of being reached out to by hands and then add in a whole thought process to make it real. It's all so powerful, but yet so quick Thanks for sharing this one
  21. Pered, he's not back, we just wish he was. Look at the date. I'm glad you pulled this poem up though, Ayshela. This is awesome and I must have missed it.
  22. I also don't know if you want it, but I'd be happy to do a column, btw
  23. When I first came I thought lump and Gyrfalcon were really cool and older than I....now on the other hand my view has changed on both points
  24. You know the reason for that is that too many polls and or debates can fill up the cabaret room a bit quickly. We try to mildly discourage them, but .
  25. A present we can all enjoy and appreciate !
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