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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gwaihir

  1. Happy birthday, Finn! Here's to hoping your life continues to fly. Z, can I have some mämmi too even if I'm not a Finn?
  2. Maybe Scarlot's day had been peaceful before-hand, but she was not nearly a cheerful enough soul to be thrilled when she heard the door to her office slam. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw...or thought she saw a busty blond push her want into the office as if she lived there...or was sleeping with whoever did. Shall we say that Scarlot's reaction was not one of utter joy? This one did Not look like her type She turned for a second to her desk, to finish the papers she was working on. This blond was not something she'd jump for. The slut could wait. However, when she turned around, there was only a mousy looking man sitting in a chair waiting for her to be ready. "Sorry" he grinned. "That wasn't the way I meant to look when I come in here. Treat this body as me, please. I'm Cambio and I'd like to apply here. I may not always bring the same face when I come, but I can promise that I'm always the helpful sort and usually relatively agreeable. Didn't use to know how to change like this as a kid, but it was just the art for me, so let's just say that I learned it. Then...Well, now I'm in this place and ready to join. May I?"
  3. ~Interview~ Do you want to try doing it now? sure Okay, first I need the full name, your race and gender. You're one of the reasons I needed to add the gender question #:] lol Gwaihir elf male lemme look up last name Okay, and if you had one noun that best describes you, what would it be? It's allowed to be the same as your race if you want. And you get 3-5 adjectives later. clumsy (That's an adjective, just making sure you realize...) I'm looking for a general "Gwaihir is a ... who ..... " way to start the thing. ohh point missed the 'noun'part of that 'verdant magician' Pfft. I guess I can use that. Although you're cheating #:] * NoGwaHere bows and grins Oh, do you have an age? no last name it turns out, though I can make one up if it'd help Nah. age age age, not really young but not Very would be early 30s in human years or late 20s That's how old he appears? Physical Appearance is next. So clothing, hair, eyes, height, build, scars or other important features. brownish messy hair missmatched, clothing that shows it's owner does Not pay it any attention..covered in sap, paint etc and has holes in a couple places even taped together relatively tall even for an elf blue eyes Build? relatively skinny Okay. Does Gwaihir have a history? Just the high points of what brought him to where he is. mother died young, so he grew up with his dad who was just as spacey as he was and at some point he was apprenticed to a nature magician who taught him most of what he knows about plants. The love of them, however, comes from his dad After a while of wandering around and constantl getting hurt/having foolish problems, Gwai found the pen it's a sheltered place where he belongs happily Hm. How about skills/ items? talks to plants, makes things grow etc, beyond verdant magic ....well, some other magic, but Gwaihir can only relate to peaceful minds, he can't relate to attacking or killing, can communicate with deer but not tigers for instance. ONnly particularly enjoys talking to plants though. A distinct lack of all practical skills writes somewhat good with people...if they can ignore his spacey, clumsy manner patient, peacemaker no items he loses them constantly He writes? yeah, but he's too shy to show people usually sometimes in support of the pen Hm. Interesting. #:] It just sounded different from the rest of what I know of him. This is going pretty quickly. Just a few more official questions. well, he's the spacey poet Before I forget, do you mind if I post this interview? not particularly talented but he's a quiet fellow so he likes to express himself not at all And you get 3-5 adjectives. Did you want to use "clumsy"? wha'ts the last thing you got? You get 3-5 adjectives. Did you want to use "clumsy"? That's all you missed. clumsy peacemaker plant-loving spacey Awesome. Here's the "one more" point #:] What's your life goal? Aim? Motivation for living, if you will. To know Everything about the vegetable world Alright. Anything else that you think needs to be said? hmm...honestly Gwaihir is rather a comic character so I wager he's somewhat less complex (and interesting) than some people's I can't think of anything that's been left out though Oh, he's interesting enough. Less complex I'll give you. If I think of anything else I need, I'll PM you. Meanwhile, thanks! yays
  4. ~Brief Description~ Gwaihir is a verdant magician, relatively young for an elf. He has brownish messy hair, blue eyes, thin build, and even for an elf is somewhat tall. He is very clumsy and usually wears mismatched clothing, often covered in sap, paint, holes, and tape. Gwaihir really loves his plants and can only relate to peaceful minds. He has the ability to talk to plants and makes things grow. Gwaihir also likes to write; he plays well the part of the spacey poet. His goal in life is to learn everything there is to know about the vegetable world. Disclaimer: This description by written by Katz as part of her quill-quest.
  5. This is a super-cool idea! *goes to do it now*
  6. Tree-leapers Tail-shakers Bush-climbers Birdseed-stealers Sharp-clawed fluff-bundles
  7. Gwaihir smiles shyly, "Well, my holiday tradition may seem a bit weird, but I guess I don't mind telling. You all know how I am by now. It isn't that I don't like people, it's that whatever I do around people seems to go wrong. I always say something dumb or I do something stupid or I make a mess then everyone ends up annoyed or I feel like a fool...it's just not good. So, I don't like to go to groups of people or animals for the holidays, but it isn't much fun to celebrate alone." Here the spacey elf grins as he sees realization dawning on many faces. "Yes, exactly, I go out and celebrate with the plants. You may not have known, but plants...particularly the Wiggly Cabbages of course are easily intelligent enough to recognize and be interested in human holidays. They don't really understand or respect Valentine's day, for instance, because they can't imagine tying friendliness or pollen-sharing to just one day. They have the time to celebrate each other all the time. However, gift giving holidays are right up their ally. While most plants are not able to give gifts (though the WCs have a tradition of writing each other poems on Christmas and 'Seeding Day') they are always interested in what we do. So, I go out, tell stories to the vines and flowers and then I go and listen to the Wiggly Cabbages. It's beautiful.
  8. Hoping that a slow entry may write all three since this rocks: Blanket. Hiding! Changing-if you look for it What does it kill besides short sleeves? Watch as it gives birth to laughing children, germinating apples, sleds and celebration of the big white blanket on our world. This thing is beautiful-but out of ink! I shake it and I snip the quill. Wishing Gwai did not spill my inkwell! Planet big and dirty Hot hellfire and place I could not stand to live. You may be beautiful but please stay far away from me!
  9. Rachel steps out of her Gwai shell and puts an arm around Sal. I'm so sorry. I wish you the best of luck and the best of care.
  10. I can't imagine why I didn't comment on this earlier. A lovely poem and a fun read, thank you!
  11. Sitting at my computer, hearing the keys click and feeling the slightly damp socks on my feet. Too lazy to take them off though. Feeling the floor under my butt. Strange that this is so comfortable, when I first started sitting on the floor in from of my computer it seemed so unbearably cramped w/o room to stretch my feet. Now, home from the council meeting, comfortable, home!
  12. Deg, this may be true in your dojo, but certainly in mine rank is not based on clothes, so it may not be in Sal's.
  13. Thank you! Will do this weekend...will try for sure
  14. Seriously sorry that I haven't done this yet. Tanny, is there any link about your character that I can follow? I've been delaying because I just don't know anything but the very basics and those in and of themselves don't inspire. All I know is that a long time ago I made a mental note that she sounded really interesting and I should read more about her....and of course still haven't .
  15. there's no rule against training without a gi. I do it, because I don't own one yet. (getting one for christmas I think.)
  16. Congrats!! Very nice indeed. You'll be in my thoughts, may it work for the best.
  17. Sal, I'm late but I offer Gwai (and myself) gladly if you are interested.
  18. You know those comments that make utter sense in context but are hilariously odd out of context. This is a thread to list those things, but please don't make them up. They have to be statements that made perfect sense in context. My contribution is "a bus spitting radioactive plegm?"
  19. We love you, O! (even when you're not fixing our problems believe it or not)
  20. Happy Birthday 'Shela. I fervently wish you the best.
  21. This time it is not just the light that makes the spacey elf blink. "And why would anyone believe you that I do such things? I am kind, I am a lover of plants and growth. I do not love pain, I do not like pranks one bit and I do not believe in tricks! YOU are the fire-elf and the trickster perhaps. I am bumbling but kind, spacey but caring and clumsy but kind. I do not hurt others and I do not think they will believe you." With that Gwaihir turns to the people that have turned to hear Merelas' loud agressive words. "If I were a politician, I would know what to say, I would know the smooth words to defend my innocence. I am not. I am plain Gwaihir. Many of you have known me for years. I have tended the gardens around here for longer and I have always had a helping hand for everyone. If I have hurt you it's probably because I've fallen over your foot, if I have offended you it is because I was too foolish to realize and if I have done either then I've surely apologized, probably too often. Merelas, on the other hand, is better of speech than I, and he does not walk into doors. Perhaps his hand is the smooth mover that could set these traps. He has the right sort of dexterity in his mind too. He sees how people work...and how to trick us. Beware of the fire elf, and if you kill me, I warn you it will (gods defend me) be a mistake. I ask you all, my fellow pen members, to gather around me and help me to find the danger in our midst. OOC: Edited because I forgot to formally say that I am accusing Merelas
  22. Gwaihir heads on through the doorway that he bumped into. "Come on guys, look at this. It's UNBELIEVABLE!" But then as he turned around he saw the little blue man looking at him. "What are you doing behind me like that? I don't think I trust you." OOC: A vote for Finnius
  23. The elf is always spacey in company but sometimes natural things can trigger his attention and Gwaihir spins around when the eyes appear. Suddenly his face turns into gleeful joy. "A venus fly trap w ith red eyes!! It must be a new species!!!. Very quickly he ignores the rest of the room. "How are you mr. venus fly trap and do you have 'pink eye'?
  24. "How disturbing" comments Gwaihir and turns to walk out...promptly running into the door. Now he has a new reason to rub his forehead and a new bruise, but it's the wolfiness of Cryptomancer that alarms him most. "I suppose it's too much to hope that he's the only one?"
  25. While Gwaihir was standing around frowning he listened to Ayshela speak and couldn't help but nod to everything she said. "I had assumed that he was just acting strangely because he was in a haunted house and was beign accused of being some evil person but now that I think about it... Maybe I was just being naive. It Does seem that he is suspicious. OOC: Vote for Cryptomancer.
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