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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gwaihir

  1. Ah, so that's why the princess was nude?
  2. I'm still kind of vague on all this, but if you want to use Gwaihir, feel free.
  3. Zool, want a partner?
  4. Ruth, Kathryn, Lisa, Annalise, Helen, Beth, Elizabeth, Emily
  5. Ah, but which Dread Pirate Roberts?
  6. Wouldn't it be rediculous if Sparrow was more interested in the fascinating prince than the scantily dressed princess?
  7. Nimball tm has been around these boards. It isn't totally extinct, but that's certainly not to say that you shouldn't start another one.
  8. A double dactyl for me? An elf blushes. OOC:I'm not sure if this poem is a question or a comment on the past. If it's a question--Gwaihir is male, his writer is female. But yes, for quite a while I role-played that Gwaihir's writer was male too. I was amused that everyone generally assumes you're male on the internet unless you give them a reason to think otherwise. Also, I guess I wanted to see how long I could pull it off.
  9. Terry Pratchett I think.
  10. She danced on silver wings But soon that flying one woke up And said "now you get off my wings-that hurts!" okay, that isn't even enough of a poem taht I can pretend it's a poem, so I'm not going to give a new first line, but nice poem sweetcherrie. I felt the need to respond in the same spirit.
  11. Figures dance within the shadows; Peculiar fantasies within my brain. Just stop walking-feel them growing; Crazy figures, they're coming out of you. Poems. new line, born out of my original misreading: Kiss of the writer wind
  12. I haven't been doing Aikido for more than six months, so I won't try to speak from the point of view of a martial artist, but I can tell you that both the dojos I've trained in have had frustrations for different reasons. where I am now I have minor issues with the way they protect women. etc. No where you train will you find the perfect place and if you quit that'll take you do a difference place, but it won't be ideal either. Tough it out and we'll be here to support you!
  13. *Gwaihir grinned like a sugar crazed boy at a desert buffet* How wonderful, I'd absolutely love to come! "But...your friends are all crows...umm, is their meeting place someplace I can walk to?" Here Zariah smiled and started to answer, but like many people this elf talked too much when he was nervous, so he didn't notice and went on. "I mean I do green magic, but I've never really tried changing my form into that of any animal, so I can't fly. I've always wondered what it's like to be a bird and how birds think...well not the mm meat eating birds" *here he shuddered a bit* I do not want to know about them, but most birds at the worst just eat bugs. How does one think about other creatures when one's a bird. Maybe they ignore all of us but for all I know they keep encyclopedias on the two-legged non-flying nutty things down here ...... Um, I'm rambling aren't I." Zariah laughed cheerfully. "Yes you are, but that's okay." OOC: I'm going to stop here, because Rachel doesn't know enough about the assembly place to explain it in Zariah's words. .
  14. that second one had me giggling...hope my coworkers didn't notice Thanks for posting.
  15. OOC: Gwaihir's mistakes at the crow language are translated into mistakes at English for convenience's sake. When he tries to speak in crow pointy brackets will be used. IC: Standing in the doorway, Gwaihir blushes shyly and waits, shifting from one foot to the other ... and then back again every five seconds. It wasn't that Zariah was taking that long, but he felt even more awkward than usual. Still, things seemed to be going all right. She hadn't gotten a broom and angrily chased him out of her apartment like he feared and she hadn't said he looked like a fright the way so many people did. It sounded like she was going to introduce him to Wandering One! (Gwaihir hadn't practiced the crow language in ... a Long time.) And she just referred to him as a friend!! Surely she wasn't mad at him for being scared of her if she called him her friend. Then suddenly Zariah tripped ~How utterly cute, Gwaihir thought, a woman who might be as clumsy as I!~ and the elf's white knight complex jumped in. He dove to catch her if she fell...and did a face plant himself. Fortunately, Zariah managed to catch herself and avoided falling on top of her visitor. The whole proceedings naturally surprised Wanderer and he flapped, startled. Between the fall and his imperfect language skills, Gwaihir missed most of his host's calming words, but he did hear the word important and it warmed him. ~What's important? Wanderer's important or dare I think it I am. Perhaps it's important that he look calm or not make her look bad...as if anything could, must practice my crow ASAP~ Quickly he picked himself up with a grace that was more elf than Gwaihir. My apologies, oh my! and I mean I mean
  16. Well, thank you for posting them anyway! I for one really enjoyed them.
  17. I know I already said this in PM, but happy birthday, crazy! .
  18. Wanna teach me the finer points of knife work?
  19. Ha, I love the quotes! Congrats all!
  20. That morning Gwaihir woke up as he did every morning, he heard the birds twittering, scratched his head, fell out of bed and groan at the conversations they had. Usually the birds would be finches or sparrows and their words would be trivial to the utmost, however, this time the conversation struck a chord. One bird, a rather scruffy looking male bluejay said "You know, I think the reason I never get the girls is my looks. No matter what I do my tuft always sticks up the wrong way! His companion looked older and clearly had seen his share of females and chicks too. He was dapper looking and had no problems keeping his feathers straight. He made a jay equivalent of a nodding motion. "Yep, grace is what it's all about. But you're wrong about the tuft. If you can't make it behave then just make that part of your style. Clearly you want it to look just that way. Fly like the best and woo them when the winds' coming in from the west." Here the conversation turned to a discussion of wind patterns and their effects on jay behavior, but Gwaihir had heard what he needed to. It was time to become graceful! He pondered what that meant...well, it probably started with matching clean clothes so he spent all morning washing stains off his clothes. It hadn't ever occured to him to do stain-removal before, so many of them were utterly beyond help, but some of them came out and certainly his wardrobe was improved. What else was graceful? Well, certainly dancing was and he remembered somethign about dancing...ah yes, that fairy tale his mom had always told about that elven prince who danced...and Ah yes, she had taught him the dance to go with the tale, because she said every elven man should know it. What else would seem impressive? Certainly a smoothly given gift could help. There was no question who he would give the gift too. The lovelorn suitor had one prize in mind, never mind that she probably had no interest in him. But, whath could he give Zariah? He pondered, but nothing occured to him. So, who to ask? A king, they have everything after all! One of the pen's resident Kings. He decided on Ozymandias and trotted over to his room. However, when he knocked Ozy answered the door, but didn't open it. "Hello? Yes, well very good to talk to you Gwaihir, but my carriage is broken, so I can't lend it to you. Carriage rides are always good with women, however. I can't even talk to you very well, because my door's broken, so I can't get to the pen. You don't know how frustrating it is to not be able to get to the pen. Occasionally I go out and then use someone else's entry to the pen, but that just isn't the same. Speaking of which, could you please give Zariah a nice promotion ceremony?" Gwaihir left disappointed, but then he got to thinking. Well, a promotion wasn't what he had been thinking of, but perhaps it was all he could get. It was a gift...sort of. He brushed his hair happily with Gyrfalcon's hairbrush (hopefullly he won't mind) and then borrowed Regel's cologne after brushing his teeth with....someone's toothbrush (possibly his own, but he wasn't sure.) There all was ready and he headed to Zariah's room. When she opened her door, he had his speech ready. "Greetings, most wonderful madam! I hope thou art not overmuch angered with me, because my heart dost go out to you. I have brought a gift to soothe your heart though can not be truly as romantic as one might wish. I would'st make you a full member of the pen, for muchly dost thou deserve it. Might it please you to be a troubador? Also, this lowly elf brings a favor close to mine heart unto you. Perhaps you might be persuaded to take me to meet thy graceful friends, the crows?" OOC: Congrats, Zariah. The promotion is well deserved. You've been working and writing at the pen for quite a while, and I particularly wanted to make this post, congratulating you.
  21. Gwaihir paused for the moment and looked around the room-he needed some advice. He was looking for someone who he knew well enough, but then he saw Venefyxatu. Even better, now he could give his gift and forget about that uncomfortable topic for a bit. "Umm Vene...I can't pronounce your name, but" Here he trailed off, but fortunately Venefyxatu saw the elf approaching him and knew who was meant. "Don't worry about it. Many people have trouble with my name" he said with a small smile. Gwaihir nodded, "Well, I don't know the fancy way to introduce this, but I brought something for you." Out of his pocket he pulled a common flower. Venefyxatu blinked. "You brought me a dandelion?" Gwaihir petted the flower. "Yes, you'll enjoy its conversation, never fear. Just because these are all over the place doesn't mean they're uninteresting." Here it occurred to him to glance at the man he was talking to, Venefyxatu looked a bit puzzled to say the least. "At least you're not annoyed, well let me start over. I have enchanted this dandelion, so that it will live in an eternal stasis. Whenever you put it in water, it will come awake and can converse with you in your mind even in English if you touch it. Don't touch it's flower of course, that's a rather personal thign to do and it doesn't know you that well. Also, if you feed your worries into the water beforehand, then the flower will be able to advise you about related dangers. Does that make more sense? Oh, I am so bad at this! And, I had another question for you. You always seem so smooth and not-clumsy, so ...umm...is Zariah mad at me? Anything I can do? I think she looked a bit upset just now and I never seem to do things right." The necromancer had seen few looks as earnest and confused as the one that stared down at him from this green magician.
  22. Of all people to be doing a sort of hand-stand, Gwaihir wasn't most people's top choice, but that's what he was doing that Valentine's day. You see, there was a suicidal mole down there and he needed to communicate with it. At first he had been just leaning over the hole, but the vibrations gave the mole a headache and when an animal needed him, Gwaihir could do almost anything, even a hand stand. It would have been a good enough excuse for being late to a Valentine's day ball....if the person hosting it had been anyone but Zariah. He was already ashamed of himself for the way he'd left their date. They'd been having a great conversation too, but ...he'd suddenly realized he was late for the Cabbages and he'd Sworn to be there...a guy couldn't break his word, even for a beautiful girl! His clothes were torn and dishevelled from his recent gymnastic antics, but today they were neater than usual. They actually matched and had been relatively unruined--He'd been saving them for today. He ran as fast as an athletic elf in a mad rush and accidentally headbutted a troll who was standing in the doorway of the ball....An arm like a pendulum threw and suddenly there was an elf in the middle of a fruit punch bowl that certainly hadn't had one there before. The polite hostess hurried up and Gwaihir wasn't thinking at all, certainly not of fruit punch stains when he hugged her and said "So good to see you. I've missed you so much and I lov...I mean hello, I have a gift for Venefyxatu, have you seen him?
  23. *ducks* gah forgot, ummm don't hate me forever, I will join I promise!
  24. As long as you're willing to be friendly and polite we'll forget the rest.
  25. Good to see you back. Enjoy your time here.
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