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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gwaihir

  1. I'm not sure if this is going to work because we just don't have enough people. I'm okay with that but if you all want to do this get the word out. Three people just isn't enough at all.
  2. For some reason we have a Canadian flag outside my building. Well, someone in my building doesn't seem to approve of Canada's having elections because the flag was at half mast yesterday. Today however, it's back to normal (so it wasn't an accident.)
  3. Post as often as you want to. I'm intentionally making the voting only once every four day so that those who are busy (myself included) are more able to participate.
  4. I'm hearing that this needs a bit more clarification, so with permission I"m posting a conversation snippet. Patrick Durham: so basically there shall be X players, some NPCs, one of the NPC's guilty, some players will have clues, others will not, and players have to find who the killer is? Gwaihir: yes though there will also be rounds where one can try to vote out someone (because they have more clues, or to threaten them whatever) Patrick Durham: and can you pretend to have a clue when you don't have one? Gwaihir: for sure! Gwaihir: if it seems to hard because of fake clues the dwarf will give out clues again
  5. Just wanted to let everyone know that in case you don't go to the Conservatory much, you might still want to check out my attempt at starting a new sort of RP/Game. Details are in the thread called 'Save the Princess.'
  6. As you walk in, a little dwarf nods and smirks "Do you like court politics? Ever wanted to be the last man standing? Or perhaps you just enjoy a good group story where everyone's your friend? Come on in then. "If you think you're up to it come in. But I warn you, the king doesn't take kindly to failure so you won't leave our world until someone succeeds....unless you're exiled. We're very friendly people in this kingdom and as such we expect ...or may I say require that of all our guests. OOC:In case the dwarf didn't give you enough details: Everything is RPd and we want to figure out what NPC kidnapped the princess. Everyone will need to make a new character to fit into a setting of courtiers or bounty hunters. 1/2 to 1/3rds of the players will get a clue. If you can put all the pieces together first then your character will be honored above all. PMs are allowed though all PMs must be sent to me. Every four days each player may send me a PMd vote about any character they find intimidating, alarming, offensive or just plain don't want to see again. If anyone gets one third of the votes their character is exiled.
  7. Big bad bushwhackers beset beery bawdy banquets.
  8. Jail justifiably jolts jaded jaywalking jerks.
  9. Please push Peredhil's penguins politely!
  10. Elder emus examine elephant elections. [edit for decisive lack of grammar]
  11. Xenophobic xylophones xerox xenon.
  12. Jammeez, that's not the way you get rid of a weenie. As noted here, to get rid of the weenie you must write a creative post with the word weenie in the title.
  13. Katy kicks kinky kraken.
  14. Could Canid cackle cluelessly?
  15. Merry Christmas, Ozy! Good to see you! I hope your Christmas was wonderful.
  16. So I've been working on a theory for this topic. Someone tell me if it makes sense. When I'm going to bed and talking to someone from say Australia I say goodnight even though it's not night for them. Europeans tend to do the same to me. So clearly if I am wanting to wish holiday greetings to a Jew, I should still say Merry Christmas and he say Happy Hanukah or whatever. Reasonable?
  17. Happy Birthday!
  18. While I will say 'lol' but utterly refuse to leave out even semi-colons where they belong. Though I don't use ending-periods I always use the rest of grammar even on IRC. As long as we all still put brain into our words we're not corrupting the language too much I'd say. A bit of change is natural. A lot of change is bad. By the way, Tyrion, studies show that about no one uses as complicated vocabulary when writing as speaking unless they edit and intentionally put it in.
  19. Is flashy bad?
  20. We'd be glad to. (Though I'll have to let Sweet give you your assignment since she's doing that part.)
  21. Beautiful imagery. The anger comes through beautifully as does the trapped impatience you feel towards a style that frustrates you. I enjoyed reading this.
  22. I don't know how many of you have been shaken by a cloak before but it can be quite a confusing experience. This time Gwaihir was slumped at his desk still wearing the leaf-cloak given him by Gryphon and Tanuchan. The scene went something like this a cloak made of leaves begins to shake a tossled elf "No" The cloak slaps him lightly "Can't you see I have enough problems here?" The cloak nodds its hood but then continues to shake "One of my Wiggly Cabbages died and I had to go consol the patch. Leave me alone!" This time the cloak's movements are clearly a negative. Next it points to the pictures on the wall that show different pen friends and then pushes Gwaihir out of his chair. Gwaihir sat for a bit glowering before responding. "Yes, I know I have friends at the pen and no I am not sulking. I've been busy!" The cloak shrugged its shoulder and pointed back to the portraits. "It was hard work." Shake shake shake "Goshdurnit you're determined! Okay, so what is it?" The cloak pointed to the to do list below 1) Make a to-do list so my cloak leaves me to sulk in peace. 2) Do laundry 3) Clean room 4) Water plants 5) Visit with Cabbages 6) Transplant the two lonliest Cabbages to see if that helps 7) Study up on the Wiggly Cabbage traditions during death and mourning Write 9) Throw a promotion party for S "Ohhhh. That's the one you're reminding me of!" The cloak nods. "HEY!" Gwaihir snaps his fingers. "I know! I've got a plan to make you leave me alone, get a great party for S and cheer up the Cabbages at the same time." The cloak crossed its corners sceptically. But it worked and six hours later one pennite found herself levitated out of her room, out of the window and into a crowd of friends who were waiting at the cabbage patch. She blinked "how did you pull that one off?" she asked Gwaihir, baffled. "I didn't know you could do that sort of magic!" He smiled. "Well, I can't, but Wyvern makes Picnic Blankets that are guaranteed to stay flat on the ground when the wind blows. After the last police raid I found one lying around and grabbed it. It didn't take much magic to make it levitate--the thing did it naturally. As for the rest--thank the Cabbages, Sweetcherrie! OOC: Congratulations Sweet. A deserving full member as well as a swell person.
  23. Gone That means never No more Raymond. Say it and repeat it Just try to believe it. Gone. Gone. He's gone. Raymond There is a distinct lack of Raymond We've lost our Raymond. Have you seen our Raymond Tell him to come back. Tell him we need our Raymond. Laughing Smelling like a duck pond Smiling Caring Giving Sacrificing Never asking for anything Too tough to say he had a need Way too big to get your arms around Lonely, patient I said he should wait. Told him it would all get better after high school This wasn't really what I meant. He always thought he looked good in black Just needed to post this. To try to feel it. Accept it believe it.
  24. "Durn it!" Gwaihir muttered "I really need to stop sleepwalking. It is so bloody annoying to wake up and not have a clue where you are." He shrugged and took a left. Suddenly he found himself in a very complicated room with a lot of people dashing to and fro. A pretty woman approached. "Have you come to participate in the show?" Gwaihir blinked. Well, no one was expecting him..why not. "Yes that sounds wonderful." Someone on the other side of the room began gesturing for her to approach, so she turned to leave. "Well, we're very glad to have you. Fred Jickson, our host, will be here to greet you shortly. If you head that way there are a few refreshments." Perfect, Gwaihir thought. After all this will be breakfast to me regardless of what time it is and I am hungry. He tried to hurry carefully, but really metal pipes should not be left on the ground. He didn't quite fall headlong though, because he caught himself on some wood...wood covered in paint. "Hmm, that looks like the set" Gwaihir muttered. "oh well, they won't notice a handprint there I hope. Or at least if they do then no one will know it's me maybe." He trotted off towards the donuts. A few minutes later a maid wondered why the donuts were green, but no one told her.
  25. Ayshela sat quietly a moment. She was distracted by thought and the celebrations had not yet started, but then she looked up at the sight of movement. Sitting above her desk the rose Gwaihir had given began to move. Slowly but clearly it's petals moved and spelt out 'Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday'
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