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Everything posted by Gwaihir
Just to remind people that not many votes have been turned in.
Certainly a char list is called for: Tannuchan playing Erylin lord nor playing Adrian Bowe Mirrizin playing Imar Say'in Sweetcherrie playing Dennis Katzaniel playing Lady D'Ander Patrick Durham playing Alfonso de Margarita Also, I hereby open voting. All votes should be PMd and while RPing your vote is always enjoyed there isn't really any need. You may chose to vote against some one for any reason really and you may choose not to vote at all for any reason. Whatever creative thing you can imagine is hereby okayed. Voting will be closed in forty-eight hours and the results will be announced soon after.
I have a someone but I can honestly say that I didn't even realize it was Valentine's day soon until I saw this. I doubt my love knows it now. Does Valentine's day have any non-marketing roots in America or Europe? I would llike the day much better if I could find some tradition besides stores.
In answer to a question: YES, you are allowed to PM the info in your clues and you are allowed to lie in PMs and anywhere else. Just send me a copy of the PMs. (I think a c ouple people have forgot that, but no biggie.)
Chakyakha had been asleep before that shriek but after it he was groaning at being woken up. Soon however the news spread that an off-worlder named Gary Herts had been murdered by some Harkonnen infiltrator. He shook his head. It probably isn't a fremen because the murderer isn't just evil, he's crazy. Why would you kill someone when we're all stuck together in this cave? After getting dressed, Chakyaka did a round of the cave to see what was going on. It seemed taht half the people were sitting in a stunned silence and most of the others were quarrelling about what to do with the body. (off worlders!) He thought about teaching them a thing or two but then he heard the quiet sound of crying. In a corner Miss Hertz was weeping as others fought over the body of her father. He walked over adn put his arm around her. She didn't react but she did cry a bit more softly. "I don't know who did this to your father, but we [/i]will[/i] find out. "Who could have wanted to hurt Dad; he was nice to everyone!" Chakyakha nodded grimly. "You'll have to tell us about him sometime." Miss Hertz just started crying again and then caught her breath for long enough to say "I need some air." As she went in search of air, Chakyakha thought. 'We need to organize and find out who the hell did this and why. Was it general animosity against all Atreides-supporters? Maybe this man was just too patriotic and pissed off the spy? Or was it planned and this man knew too much perhaps? We need to search his belongings. And who woudl have done it? I must say I haven't a clue. I guess I'm mildy disgusted by the drunk over there but taht doesn't really prove anything. I wish we could justu wait and see what happens but mob violence seem so much more likely lhere. Particularly since we have heaps of confused people here who arent' used to this harsh world. OOC: Vote for Edi
Peter woke up early that morning and put on his good shirt. It had been a couple days so this seemed the right time to go put a make on that gorgeous woman from the stables. As he ate breakfast there was cheer in his heart and the garden looked healthier than usual. As he pushed back his chair he looked at the sun--it was still too early to go over to see Maria. He strolled off to the garden figuring he'd water the tomatoes, since it had been two weeks since then last rain. He puttered a bit with the plants but of course that got him dirty. As he went inside to wash up he had an idea. The girl before last had left a mirror here. It might be clever to check himself over. He rummaged through a pile of frippery. Mm, they smelled like her and she'd been a nice piece of meat. Pretty crazy about him too, if he remebered right. Yep, there the mirror was and D-mn but he was a good lookng man. No wonder the girls are so crazy about me he chuckled. The walk to town was beautiful. It was sunny and warm but still late spring so it wasn't quite hot yet. The flowers were blooming, too and Peter was only three steps away from a small brown rabbit before it took its head out of a tuft of grass and fled. The birds whistled and Peter tried to harmonize. As he strolled through town, Peter smiled at the butcher and winked at the butcher's wife...but not too broadly; it wouldn't to have her come hang on him as he was going to see the beautiful Maria. As he slid through town he was sure that six women smiled just for him but most importantly so did Maria. "How's the mule?" she smiled "Oh, stunning" he smirked and he wasn't looking at her face. "Well..." she seemed a bit discomfitted he thought. Probably was shy. "No need to be scared, sexy. I'm here to tell you that I'm taking you out to Gorgonzola's. "Ha Ha How..." She seemed even more disturbed now, he thought but he knew why. Gorganzola's was the most expensive restaurant for miles around and probably a stable-woman like her just wasn't used to class. He winked and broke in on her sentence. "Don't try to talk, lovie. There'll be a long time to discuss it all tonight. She took a deep breath and composed herself. "Thank you very much, but I have a date already."
Co-written with Fleur/Sweetcherrie: The soldier was squirming with pain, and Fleur really didn't like this job. She always got given them though, somehow they seemed to think that she was good for nothing else. Her hands were covered in blood by know and she felt as if she would have to throw up sometime soon, but bravely struggled on, after all he too was one of theirs. Jamilla on the other hand was doing her work with what seemed cool indifference. Sometimes Fleur wished she would be able to icily do what they told her. Her eyes wandered while her hands carried on and suddenly she saw the most handsome man she had ever laid eyes on. He was tall and had a strong build. His skin was a deep brown from the sun, but what stood out most were his eyes. They seemed to mesmerize her, and the deep dark blue seemd to capture her soul. As Chakyakha entered the cave he grumbled to himself. "Water wasters and in our caves too. I will stay away from them" Stilll, despite himself he looked across the crowd. They all looked t he same to h im...except for one. He tried not to look at her but she was blond and her face exuded a kindness that he had not seen since Sichana. He glanced over at Niab and glared but the man did not notice. Slowly, almost against his wil, his eyes traveled back towards the blond off worlder. He looked at her, and Fleur's heart stopped beating, and she forgot the wounded soldier. What would she say when he came over? She would probably make a fool out of herself. She squeezed her hands together as the handsome man took a step towards her, their eyes locked. The soldier's breath was wheezing slowly in and out, but Fleur had only eyes for the Fremen. His mind suggested that he should not take one further step into the cave but slowly Chakyaka found himself taking one two three steps towards the blond. Suddenly he squatted by the wall and sat. He would not go over there. That was an offworder and he was a dignified fremen. She was probably foolish and he did not respect her he told himself repeatedly. Still, he peeked at her from under his eyebrows. Dissapointed she redirected her attention to the soldier, and her eyes opened wide when she discovered that he was dead. Oh no! She looked around stealthily, and hoped that nobody had noticed it. She was so stupid at times! She sighed, his wounds would probably have killed him anyway, but at least she should've given him some attention in his final minutes. Now how would she move his body? She looked up at the muscled Fremen and wondered if she could ask him to help her. Chakyaka sighed and was about to settle for a nap when he became aware. He more felt than saw a certain tension in the blond-a slight jerk. He looked over and realized her charge had died. Only foolish offworlders would try to save the wounded anyway. He looked at the girl's build lingeringly and decided she wouldn't be able to put the body in the deathstill by herself. He strode quickly over. "Here, I'll help you pick it up." Her hand touched hers and an electric shock went through her body, a blush spread over her cheeks. "Thank you, I'll go get the shovel." "Shovel" Chakyaka blinked. "No need to dig, the way is already clear. I've been here recently--no cave ins." Fleur smiled a dazzling smile, and giggled a bit, "We'll have to dig a hole to bury him you silly." Chakyaka growled. "First you waste part if his water by trying to save a dying man and then you want to waste more by buryiing the water? This is Arrakis, girl." She cringed slightly under the grump he gave her, "But, but, I thought that we had to bury them for their spirits to be free?" For the first time in years Chakyakha's face broke into a grin. "Here, they say the spirits are freed as soon as people die. I don't know about all that but I know that this man will"... He paused for a moment as he thought about to say this without making the bright young thing upset. "This man will help us in days to come if we put his body in the still back there. Under the earth his water blesses no one. Fleur thought about this for a second. She'd always been taught that human bodies had to be buried, but what he said made sense. Slowly she nodded, and helped him lift up the body. "I do wonder though," she said as she took the arms, "How can all this be water, I mean he's made of flesh and blood, no? Wouldn't want to drink that." She shivered with the thought of drinking blood. Chakyaka smiled slightly. "Do you really want to know dear?" Her insides warmed, he had called her 'dear'. His voice had sounded warm as well, she shook her head, as long as he was around he could choose to tell her anything, as long as he called her 'dear'.
I should probably claim Sietch Tabr too then. I come into the cities to trade so I'm still in contact with the Sietch I think. Name is Chakyakha.
Azuran and I have decided that our characters have a general rivalry. He beat me in love at some point and it has blossed into a general unfriendly rivalry.
The vote is postponed until Monday because what with the down-time adn all we haven't gotten nearly far enough for a vote.
I haven't sent anything in roleplay and the game isn't started! Simply planning my character and finding out details about Fremen, I promise.
Okay, okay, stop twisting my finger, I'll play! I'll be a jaded Fremen who comes into the settlements to trade. He (I'll pick a name after I check Fremen naming conventions, I can't remember) is more used to off-worlders than most Fremen are, but is still a bit horrified at some of their water wasting habits.
Please do . Just to answer some PMs I've been getting: The guilty party(ies?) is indeed an NPC or pair thereof. Also, both motive and perpetrator(s) should be indicated in the clues. If you can put all or perhaps even most of the clues together you should have the truth.
Depending on your clue the suspects might be suggested there (if you have one). Remember, officially no one knows anything, so they can't give you more help. Thanks, yes you're right about the two threads-fixed.
You look at your watch because it's time and he's not here. Well, to make the best of things you try to distract yourself by looking at the decorations...this room isn't used except occasionally for formal announcements and you can't remember being here before. Passively you wonder whether it's the King who's in love with silk or his decorator--clearly someone is though! It only seemed a bit odd to see a silk tapestry--or even a whole room of silk tapestries--but even the carpets and wallcloth (think wallpaper) is silk, as is the ensignia of the royal family that hangs above the big doors. Heck, the doors are covered in silk. You look at your watch, the hands aren't silk yet but their movement indicates that it's been ten minutes.The man next to you smiles and you're about to make a joke when finally the high door opens. After the King and Queen come out, the King talks a bit about his daughter and the Queen cries a bit but frankly the silk room is more interesting. It's not as if you didn't already know that the princess had been kidnapped. Of course it's a tragedy but you are about ready to find the culprit and get her back...or at least get something to eat. After the King finishes speaking everyone is moving to leave when a long haired dwarf rushing out. "Greetings all! As the King has mentioned it is a great tragedy that we have lost the lovely Princess Oksana. However, it's up to us in this room to get her back. Naturally the police will search, but the real work always happens quietly. I will be coordinating the search effort so any questions should come from me and I will pass on any information I have. Unfortunately, at present we know nothing. Please tell me if you find out what happened and we will investigate. If you have a complaint about anyone here or think anyone here is violating the rules of our fine city please tell me. We couldn't have that happening now could we. Naturally, if you are the one who helps us bring back our princess, you will be invited to ask for whatever you want; anything in the kingdom. I release you all to search and converse amongst yourselves. Good luck! OOC: Clues are out (everyone should have recieved a PM of some sort.) and game is started. Enjoy. First opportunity to vote would usually be Saturday, but voting will close at the end of Friday (eastern time) instead to not exclude Sweetcherrie. I'll remind you later in the OOC thread.
Or have it be no-kill the next night since you guys had a brawl instead of either one outright losing.
Eep, I'll do mine I promise-just don't hit me on the head yet.
Aw, yaarr at you! Find me a better verb beginning with X! (Despite a moderate search I could find no verbs beginning with x besides xerocopy, xerox, x-ray and xylograph, but yes it did bother me mildy that I couldn't make a better story out of my sentence.)
Xenial xerophilious xenagogue-xemes xerocopy xeric xanthic xebecs Translation: Friendly fork-tailed gulls, who are guides and are are adapted to an extreme lack of water, photocopy extremely dry yellow three-masted pirate ships.
We're in no hurry. I guess I sort of want to get the game started but once it's started I imagine it moving along rather lazily. The rp/game will exist to please us, the players not vis versa. If we need to delay it for something or someone we will. My goal is to not leave anyone out.
Tanuchan, sounds awesome to me. If someone wants to be the lady that's cool. If you want an NPC played by you or me or anyone else that's cool too. This also means that we've all posted now. Give me a day or so and I'll start the Game thread and PM clues to those I PM them to. (Clues are being decided by rolls of the dice for those curious.)
The Dwarf No one seems to know Terrace's name and most people seem to just call him the dwarf but for those who want something more personal, Terrace is as good as any. As for his personality, he is very short very grumpy and very mysterious.
So, what characters are we all using? Once we all have characters posted, I'll pass out clues. Unless more than one person joins before I pass out clues, I'll be passing out four clues. Edit: What kind of characters? These characters will all need to be at least mildly at home in court politics but no need for them all to be courtier types. As long as it fits mercenaries or what not would be quite interesting (PM me if you're not sure, but I'm cool with most anything that makes sense.)
We reallly need six but I am not going to cancel it with five. ...so close. Still, this seems like an appropriate time to delay for a few more.
Hapless has-beens hinder hostesses honing hokey harvest hampers.