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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by LilacFlame

  1. Greetings, I really love your poem, it flows beautifully, and is very evocative after the first part of it. I must say that the first part really threw me off, I thought wow, someone who loves to play with the word sounds, but then I am suddenly on a train with Lola and a soldier? I think. Just my 2 cents worth. You have a brilliant way with words...maybe the first part could begin as another poem? Just a thought, thanks for sharing that! I love the whole train...novel....off to war...beautiful Lola parts. Sincerely, Lilac
  2. The Truth of Knights and Mages The truth of knights and mages, shall stand throughout the ages, Six things they will demand, if denied they make no stand. The first demand is somewhat simple, no need to muss your wimple, serve them fish and roast and fowl, tofu simply makes them growl. To the second use common sense, lest you cause them some offense, offer heady ale for all the toasts, then sit back and watch them boast. The third is somewhat harder, for there's no wench in your larder. Find one that is full-busted, easy and rosy, then step back and let them get cozy. Number four takes little work, yet heed it or be thought a jerk, show deep respect to Mage and Knight, or arm yourself for quite a fight. Next is five, I hope your listening, make sure their room is clean to glistening, with grand appointments and lots of room, offer them no shabby spot or contemplate your doom. To number six we come anon, get this one right or he'll be gone, of geld I speak last, but not least, pay til it hurts or unleash the beast.
  3. Reincarnation
  4. Greetings, here is my story, I wrote it this afternoon, also, at the bottom is a poem I wrote tonight....a little hokey, but I liked it. I hope you do too! The Tale of LilacFlame She was 5ft 4, 180 pds of pure fighting fury. She always wore black to confirm her choice of practicing Nether magic. She was a Commander of many Knights in her Guild, and she was often called upon for help against multi-mages. She loved her guild, loved her guildmates, and reveled in attacking those who had no honour. Suddenly as Archmage breaks into unholy chaos because of administration issues, she finds herself more and more in a fog, peering out occasionally but not really caring what happens to the Guild she had once loved as she comes under attack by the Leader, who does not like seeing a woman in a place of such importance, more, he doesn't like her personally, so he attacks her self-image, her knowledge of the game, and finally laughs at her naivite of believing that he didn't cheat on something, and her idiocy of protecting him on the boards. Feeling betrayed and hurt she gives up her place in the Guild, her part in Archmage. Pulling the fog around her she goes to sleep, to dream of better days, of sweeter times. Six long years pass, and filtered through the fog, she hears people talking about "the Reincarnation". Aroused by this, she begins to open her eyes, to listen more closely, and to slowly push the fog away. As she comes out of her cocoon of fog, her eyes catch her reflection in a mirror leaning against the wall of her chamber. "Is that truly me?" she asks herself. Looking closely she realizes with shock that she has lost 30-40 pds, and her long red hair has turned white blonde somehow. She shakes off the thought that she really looks GOOD this way, and turns her mind to more important matters. Who that she knew is still around the land? She finds a few here and there that remember and welcome her with cries of joy. Her heart is lifted even more to find that the reason she left is long gone, and not coming back to hurt and harass her again. "Well then I will join, and I will FIGHT, and I will relearn what knowledge I have lost in the fog of sleeping. And from this day forward I will not let anyone hurt me enough to quit this Archmage that I love so much, and have loved for so long. I will learn the spells again, and I will rally my troops and I will hit those that are dishonourable with vigor once again. Gentle Ladies and Kind Sirs;" I AM BACK! " shouts LilacFlame. "Now let the Games Begin!" With that she begins spinning around in joy, her long blonde hair whipping around her as she begins to laugh. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Truth of Knights and Mages The truth of knights and mages, shall stand throughout the ages, Six things they will demand, if denied they make no stand. The first demand is somewhat simple, no need to muss your wimple, serve them fish and roast and fowl, tofu simply makes them growl. To the second use common sense, lest you cause them some offense, offer heady ale for all the toasts, then sit back and watch them boast. The third is somewhat harder, for there's no wench in your larder. Find one that is full-busted, easy and rosy, then step back and let them get cozy. Number four takes little work, yet heed it or be thought a jerk, show deep respect to Mage and Knight, or arm yourself for quite a fight. Next is five, I hope your listening, make sure their room is clean to glistening, with grand appointments and lots of room, offer them no shabby spot or contemplate your doom. To number six we come anon, get this one right or he'll be gone, of geld I speak last, but not least, pay til it hurts or unleash the beast.
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