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Everything posted by LilacFlame
Moon Maiden It calls to me, that moon, golden light pours down from it pooling on the rich green carpet of grass beneath my naked toes, it makes me wonder at the mystery of her pull, on the ocean, the month, the earth, the woman, all of the mystery is inside of me, yet only by the light of the Moon will it spill from inside me, that secret Moon Maiden she has made of me. I ponder and wonder and ask, if I let her loose; will she scare away the men?
OOC for WWXXXIII - Vampire: Wolf Masquerade
LilacFlame replied to Patrick's topic in Conservatory Archives
IT sounds pretty neat, I played a vamp vampire in a game once, but it wasn't online, and this sounds really really complicated/confusing to me. Maybe you could send me a message detailing it, if you think my playing is worth the time you would spend explaining it, Lol! If not, no offense taken. Sincerely, LilacFlame PS I REALLY LIKE VAMPIRES! -
Happy Birthday...I am sorry I missed yours! The funny thing is I was just icing a birthday cake for someone else's birthday tomorrow (yes at 4am, I am on GeldrinHor time, grin) and I wish I could send one to you! It is devil's food cake with cream cheese icing! Anyway, 24 is a special year, (they ALL are) and I hope you get whatever you want most this year! I hope you made a wish this year!! Sincerely, LilacFlame
Muscle ..I WANTED an Evil Grin, but you don't have one!
I took that test, here are my results: Second Level of Hell -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have come to a place mute of all light, where the wind bellows as the sea does in a tempest. This is the realm where the lustful spend eternity. Here, sinners are blown around endlessly by the unforgiving winds of unquenchable desire as punishment for their transgressions. The infernal hurricane that never rests hurtles the spirits onward in its rapine, whirling them round, and smiting, it molests them. You have betrayed reason at the behest of your appetite for pleasure, a nd so here you are doomed to remain. Cleopatra and Helen of Troy are two that share in your fate. Level Who are sent there? Score Purgatory Repenting Believers Moderate Level 1 - Limbo Virtuous Non-Believers Very Low Level 2 Lustful Extreme Level 3 Gluttonous Low Level 4 Prodigal and Avaricious Very Low Level 5 Wrathful and Gloomy Low Level 6 - The City of Dis Heretics Very Low Level 7 Violent High Level 8- the Malebolge Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers Moderate Level 9 - Cocytus Treacherous Low So Look at me: Lustful and Violent, grin. Well, I am in Archmage... this was fun, I also took the 7 deadly sin one.But that one didn't make as much sense.
I am wondering if I should take out the 4th stanza..the one that is about being old? Thanks for any comments or advice. Sincerely, LilacFlame
Greetings! I think this is beautiful, evocative and movingly romantic. I love the free verse feel of it while you stick to the winter night sky theme. The only thing I might fix (if it were me) is this: And my eyesight must fail in attempting to perceive Of the glorious reprieve granted to me nightly each and every eve. The word "percieve" doesn't really go with "of". They just don't flow with each other well, to me. But that is only one little thing, and my perception. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful gift with us, your poem. Sincerely, LilacFlame
What have I? They just won't stop sliding away no matter how hard I attempt to hold them, Those memory fragments that make up my reality, keep blowing away like leaves in a storm. Last year it began with small things I lost, my keys or that gold ring someone gave me. Now it is the precious faces of those I love, and the names that belong to the faces. My memories were wholy mine, mine alone. They once dignified me as the person inside. Now that they are gone am I still me? Who is this person they all seem to know? I wish I had never gotten old, for without a past each day is new. Yet I cannot greet the dawn with a song and I am too frail to dance. What have I now? The faces come to greet me, so sweetly, and one of them makes me smile, the man with curly dark and silver hair. I know that voice, that million dollar smile, and he says he loves me. Emotion swells from deep inside of my heart, reaching out with hunger to this man of deep blue eyes. With huge effort I push it out of me:"I LOVE YOU TOO" and I know at last that what I stilll have is eternal: Love
An Uncommon Dream á…Ÿ Arial gazed disconsolantly out her window. Even the sun shining on the green fields below did not aleviate her excessive gloom. What in the world would the 10 yr old daughter of Lord Peliant have to be depressed about you might ask. á…Ÿ After all her Father was the richest, most venerable Lord in the land, besides being the Queen's main advisor. Nothing of monetary value had ever been denied her; she had 2 whole closets filled with beautiful clothes, she dined upon the choicest viands trice daily, and her chamber alone was larger than most people's homes. á…Ÿ She had been tutored in languages, accounts, a bit of history and geography, and embroidery of course. She could ride, and she could dance a stately pavane. As the only child of the foremost Lord in Abadonii, she could look forward someday to her choice of bridegroom, not withstanding her own fair appearance. á…Ÿ She had a cherubic face with the requisite dimples, a retrousse nose, and deep violet eyes capped off by dark raven curls. She was willowy and tall for her age, yet stronger than she appeared, and she was never, ever ill. á…Ÿ The cause of her dissatisfaction was that she despised most of the doings of the highborn, she didn't ever want to get married and become someone's Lady; she simply wanted to be a Mage. Yet Magic was not only thoroughly deplored in Abadonii, it had been outlawed outright at the time of her birth. It seems that when she was born her Mother had contracted milk-fever, a mage had been called to heal her too late for it to matter. Her Mother died, and her Father simply went to the Queen in a fit of rage and talked her into outlawing them. á…Ÿ The closest mage to be found was in the next country over: Cleotorii, and was at least 60 leagues from the castle. As it was too far away to make in one day, she must make it impossible for them to track her, yet how was she to manage that? She had too little mageskill as yet to erase her tracks or throw the hounds off of her scent. á…Ÿ There were a few mage tricks she could do, but how were they useful in helping her to escape? She could create a ball of light and throw it around a bit. It would help her if she was outside in the dark, but not much else. It could also act as a sort of beacon to bring her Father's men to her very spot. She could make things break without touching them when she was very angry, but she didn't think she would be very angry while escaping, more probably she would be a bit afraid. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I said this is a short story work in progress. I started it about 3 am last night. What do you think? are the paragraphs too short? does it seemm an interesting premise? do you think you could come to care about her charachter?Syntax, awkward sentences, Etc. Take your time if you need to in replying....grin. and thanks BTW I have tried every way under creation but cannot make it INDENT, sorry. Sincerely, LilacFlame
Actually I don't even mind hearing that someone didn't like it, as long as they tell me why. Just don't want to hear it sucks... I understand that I need to be patient, I have been out of work for over a yr and a 1/2 but I understand that some people have a RL! anyway, I have a little trouble with the traditional quatrains (took a poetry class and found out it was really difficult for me to do that), but I can try at least. I do find that I don't know how to write a poem without rhyming though, everyone I do that doesn't rhyme I just delete because I don't like it, but I suppose I can try it that way too. Thanks for replying to me. Sincerely, LilacFlame
And thank you for your kind welcomes to me!! Sincerely, LilacFlame P.S. for anyone who doesn't know, a wimple is a head scarf that women wore in the medieval days. Some Nuns still wear it.
As LilacFlame realizes that she is losing the tug-of-war with Lord Wyvern she frantically looks around for aid...Panther seems to be watching their antics with smug feline amusement. She pins him with a glare and nods meaningfully at Lord Wyvern's right foot, prodding Lord Panther to parade across the room in a liesurely manner until he is posed directly over Wyvern's right foot. With a nod to each other Panther jumps on Wyvern's right foot as LilacFlame accidentally loses her balance and stomps on his left. Under this unwarranted dual attack Lord Wyvern drops the application sheet to protect more tender areas of his person from assault. Clutching the rather dingy form to her breast as if it were the Holy Grail she thanks Lord Wyvern for his kind words, and begins backing out of the room before he tries to sell her something else she can't afford and can find no use for. "Thanks again Lord Wyvern, you will not be disappointed, I vow." And thank you Panther. Wyvern, I promise to heed what you asked. Sincerely, LilacFlame
LilacFlame: died while trying to win an argument with GeldrinHor, she simply fell asleep while he was ranting and never woke up. (BTW...read this to GH b-4 posting, and he didn't seem exactly appreciative....though he did say that you folks would probably love it....
Um, 11 viewed it but no comments...is it THAT bad? If it is please don't tell me, just lie...
Well, GeldrinHor and I don't go out to the movies much...unless it is something with Awesome special effects like all 3 Tolkein movies...and frankly I LOVED the first one, felt the Two Towers was a bit too dark and gloomy (tho so is that particular book) and LOVED the 3rd one. Just my take. Frankly the last animated movie I watched was Shrek! I think, and I liked it. But I am easily bored by cartoons or Anime, frankly with Anime I am usually distracted by the Japanese art. I Like all kinds of movies, but I really love Comedy and Horror, and of course Adventure. For my money, the best Horror of all time is A) Poltergeist, Resident Evil, C) Resident Evil 2 D) Ghost Ship Maybe I just like watching Mila Jovovich kill zombies in that little dress, grin, I don't know. Comedy, frankly I really enjoy take-off movies like the Scary Movie series, Loaded Weapon, Hot Shots and Hot Shots Part Dieux, Robin Hood-Men in Tights, the Princess Bride,etc. Also enjoyed Ghost Busters and Sister Act, To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything Julie Newmar.Oldies I like are "Life With Father", and musical comedies like "There's No Business like Show Business." Can't forget Men in Black..at least the 1rst one. Action Movies: the Fifth Element, Lethal Weapon, Independance Day, Stagecoach (Ok it's an oldie), Cutthroat Island, Pirates of the Carribean, The Hunt for Red October, Indiana Jones, Under Siege. I would like to mention a few movies that I thought so totally sucked that I should warn you all not to rent them: Nacho Libre, Frankenhooker and Waterworld should all have a disclaimer that Blockbuster will pay YOU for renting them, grin. Movies I have seen lately: My Super Ex-Girlfriend is pretty formulatic up until the end....but the end is SOOO good that I made GH turn it back so I could see it again!! Posieden: Acting decent...when you have Kurt Russel and Richard Dreyfuss you can't fail to have good acting...but the script was nothing to write home about, and I wasn't really impressed all that much. In the original the special effects sucked but damn you had GREAT acting, you really cared about the charachters..all but a couple you were sort of hoping would die because they were so annoying! Wedding Crashers: I really enjoyed this movie, especially since one of my ex-friends WAS the charachter that was that younger crazy nympho daughter of the Senator ? Anyway, really fun movie. The ending is soo good you have to watch it a couple of times. The Departed: Really enjoyed it because I read murder mysteries all the time, and while I figured out most of it there were parts (& people that died) that I didn't figure out til they actually happened...this is really RARE for me (which bugs GH i think sometimes) so I really enjoyed it...though I wish more than 2 charachters had lived through the end of the movie. Well, that's it for now, hope you don't mind my putting in my 2 cents!
Thanks for the great welcome!! I must say that on the line about tofu I was thinking about GeldrinHor...but I couldn't fit in how he hates veggies so I used Tofu..which he hates just as much...I am with him on that part at least. grin
The Mirror I gaze into my mirror and wonder at the sight, mysteriously lovely is she, this night. Lo my eyes are dark with fear and fright, a rendezvous with loves first flight. "Yet I love him" she asserts aloud, almost jumping at her voices sound. I will lie with him thus love be found, endearing words shall then abound. He'll keep me and then he'll take me to wife, No fears will keep me from this new life. A sweet bride I be that he brings to his fife, Love that is true shall give him no strife. Yet I look like a child, I am 15 today, and I am truly afraid he'll desire to stay. Shall I welcome him or swoon and sway, 'tis too much to decide this birthingday. A child yesterday, a woman now grown? Mirror don't lie...is that really me shown? I cannot believe how I fill out this gown, and I woudst not appear to him as a clown. Red gown with your tight lacing, now I feel my heart a racing, Is it the marriage I am facing, or the quickness of my pacing? I hear a horse stopped mid-gallop, my hero at last has come to sup. I brace myself and breathe prayers up, then hastily re-fill my cup. I drink the wine and feel it's power, Mirror mine this is the hour. Reveal no secrets that are sour, show me as a fragile flower. ------------------------------------------------------------ I am not sure if I should do this one as 2 line stanzas or 4. Please tell me what you think...and tell me if it is too trite or not too. I absolutely cannot judge my own work effectively....I usually think it is rubbish..
Oh LOVELY! I don't think I took a breath myself while I read it. It drew me in the very first stanza and I felt it resonate deep within me. Thank you for writing something so beautiful, and evocative.