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Everything posted by Norman
bubble bubble hiss and gurgle coffee brew and frother burble fluffy milk and cinimon sprinkle lets just hope this one's drinkable.
ooooh... I should video the needle going in and out... do a time lapse of it... that would be cool!!!
If I carved the names of all I know upon my skin of gold, would I ever see them again, before I grow too old?
I am looking forward to the next 4 verses: Shoulder, across the clavical, and around the back of the neck. The rest will fit down the chest and around the ribcage. And when it is all done, I get the lightning added.
Why do I want to hear a "Jem and the Holograms" version of "Stairway to heaven" now?
Memory seldom makes mountains seem small, there has been such comments made before, about the task of memory that befell the mortal mind and drove it unceasingly onward to the brink of sanity trying to establish why the thing on the lawn with the small blind rodent thing within it resembled such a monument of nature.
Nat Geo is fantastic! I read the articles on their site every lunch, always a good selection of topics to browse through.
When designing tattoos, pay very close attention to the locations on the anatomy that they will cover, on the grounds that you need to ensure you maximise your opportunity to enjoy the blissfully vibrational motion of a needle (or several) slicing neatly into your dermis. Areas of particular interest are: under the arm, the ribs, the neck, the webbing between fingers, the belly and point of the elbow.... among others.
is it at all possible that the mythos surrounding a certain cryptozoological creature has been misinterperated and now has people seeing things in a small lake with a funny name? I mean could the ancient folk of the beautiful highlands have actually been telling their children of the Darkness Monster who would come and get them if they didnt go to bed on time? After all, sundown was bedtime in a world before electricity, allowing the older members of the Clan to spend time around the fire and tell of their day fishing the small and deeply mysterious lake known as Loch Ness.
needles and ink, letting skin drink, deep lines carved curving, enthalling the being they're serving.
lacewings make for an interesting soup... grasshoppers battered and deep fried are a good side too... but I must say, the fire ant sushi, wrapped in a chili nori was kinda hard to discribe.
Is there any way, for us to play, without the pain, we have to pay, or is the vein, of this day, emptying another way.
d'oh.... a deer a female deer *skips*
you realy nailed that one! but see-sawing on this topic is hammering the intelect somewhat.
I saw that scene, and must confess that what I had seen was an eye sore.
a hot play reel? what movie was that?
a burning guitar provides for some scorching licks..... burning Sax are what you load in the catapults during a seige.
ok... so i shall abriviate that to 'Bouncers' Bouncers... bouncers it is... Bouncers.... *mutters* Bouncers... *pulls out small black book of orcish vengence and scribbles notes* Bouncers....
involuntary ejection from 'the nasal cavity'..... I still hold a grudge against the bouncers at that place, it was such a good nightclub too..
'ello, been a fairy's age, hows'it all going? see I been travelling, not on the plains of circuitry either, so not been here, right. Sorta missed the lot of ya, the legion is still trying to improve their aim... not helped by the addition of wings to my armour that allows me to steer... if you get my meaning. also a little mis-information to put them on the wrong continent also helped. Still, I am not back, but I am about, the Raven is likely my spokesperson now, so I let it be with him, he is more talkative. hope you is all well, and managed to avoid the press gangs. Just remember to avoid the offer of rum drinks if the character offering has an eyepatch and a wooden leg. -Norman
Norman paused at the new question... "what? like serious? you dunno what that is? you not just putting one on? you actually asking me what that small demitas of liquid gold in a heavenly wrapped aroma is?" Norman jumped down and walked over to Degorram, staring intently up at her from about knee (mid calf) height... "its the kiss of the divine, nector of mortal promise, the kiss of an expanding mind and the gift of clarity in liquid for.... What is it indead... like honestly... " Norman blinked.. "um.. ok.. you are asking... well ... its coffee.. um.. you drink it... tell you what... take that one, taste it... and tell me what you think it is.. " Norman paused as he turned... "actually i make you a fresh one... (or six)... we get you thinking good and clearly.. " -Norman (ooc: one small discription of Java... and thats the drink not the island or the computer language.... or maybe its all three)
Thank you, The second poem was actually written first, and posted in hindsight. The first one written (second in the post) is the questioning of things that gifted me with the insights of the second. They sorta fit. kinda, maybe. -Norman
What sort of question should Wyvern ask in order to influence Norman the Runt to buy Almost Dragonic Brand Imitation Orc Tusk Enlargers™? Norman stared blankly at the small slip of paper, his mind slowly numbing as it processed yet another message regarding tusk enlargement from the Almost Draconic spam artist, (I meant scam artist.) “We, lets see, tusk enlargement is a tricky issue, right. You got to be careful how you does it right. See most chieftains and such have larger tusks cause its all status symbols and everything, and you gots to be careful not to appear to out rank those that you shouldn’t outrank and all.” Norman paused considering the options involved in answering the Elder Lizards question. “And see, strictly speaking right, I have a far better tusk to body ratio that any other orc. I had to leave the legion as it all sorta got in the way see, me being slightly shorter than most and still having larger tusks, compared to my body size, sorta made things difficult.” Norman scribbles a small not on the slip of paper and hands it back to Wyvern. “This here is the address I give to people that wish to provide me with ongoing correspondence on matters pertaining to orcish tusk enlargement, Aquatherian investment opportunities, Dwarfish weight loss techniques, and other such important information. Please submit each message in triplicate at least 4 times per day for the duration of the campaign to ensure our prompt processing of your request.” Norman grinned and handed an additional small scroll to Wyvern, “Here are a few high ranking officials in the legion that would appreciate your enthusiasm to communicate the benefits of Almost Dragonic Brand Imitation Orc Tusk Enlargement™, please allow us the privilege of reading the communication as well?” -Norman (ooc: thank you Wyvern for participating)
Draw into question my sanity, Repeating the errors of old, Completely rearranging vanity, For the sake of faith so cold. No warmth within this sweet belief All hope has turned to scorn, The beauty of that dreamed relief, To dark despair is born. But though I have no solace now, Though hope may fade away, Rational dreams an empty vow, In deepest faith I stay. I believe as I ever did, I believe the promise made, I believe the words I for you writ, For belief this price I paid. In faith I live, though hope is cold No pleasure my life takes, May happiness be yours to hold, As your dawn my night awakes. -Norman
I am a zealot, ever guided in faith Understanding now, that I truly believe. I have seen the hope, been touched Held close in the embracing arms of proof. Yet all that has passed, and faded away The signs of this time, say I must stray. But faith is now my destiny, my shield, Faith is my solace, and before it all yield. For though all is taken from me, Though I be cast aside in pain, No hope, no dream saved me, But in faith I live again. Faith has been my destiny, Walking always at my side, In love I held onto a dream, Faith knows love will survive. Hope promised me endless joy, Dreams of what would be, But those dreams are empty now, Hope holds nothing for me. For I have died, my hope is lost, You walked from my side I have died and dreamless now, Ever drowning in this tide. But faith is there beneath the waves, It holds me and lets me breath, Faith in the truth I still believe, That, one day, you will be with me. -Norman