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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Mithrandin

  1. /me stumbles breathless into the room, I am still in time?? *pauses to catch his breath* So, let's see... I will be playing David Reyes, 18 years. David has no remarkable physionomical charateristics, he is a average height boy, short brown hair, with brown hazel eyes. David is still studing, he took the job on the store in the seasonal wrapping presents department, the extra money comes in handy to get him some more x-mas gifts.
  2. ooc: out of time to really write or almost to even follow the votes counting sorry vote for: Cryptomancer - James 'Jimmy' Elliott Johansen
  3. Still in shock from knowing the dead of Danelle, Dan was awaken by the wine in the face from Rachel. Many thoughts went by at that instant when he apparently woke, looking around he saw the crowd was in turmoil. Unable to think he instinctively looked around to find two small twins, but they were nowhere to be seen, feeling tired, Dan let himself fall into the nearest couch. ooc: Blby/Necromancer (what can I do??)
  4. Sento-me ao sol sinto a tua ausência. O orvalho que a madrugada deixou nao tem a marca dos teus passos. Estás presente.
  5. With a quick look around, Dan spotted his daughters "Besides" Dan pointed at one of the other sweets table "They are just fine." Danelle replied with a nod, when she noticed them attacking the second dish of hors d'oeuvres. Keeping his arms around Danelle, Dan headed for a couch, getting away from the crowd to get a little of fresh air. ooc: Giles Jordan/Tommy = The Green Dragon Ranger
  6. Dan Gray arrived at the party, with his two daughter in each side, tidying up his Little Red Riding Hood skirt. "How do I look girls?" The answer came in a sort of a giggle from both twins at the same time. "Ok girls, now you must behave and..." before he could finish his sentence both of them had already dashed into the sweets table right on the entrance. Looking around, he discovered how imaginative people can be when it comes to fun. If only my department would work like this every day... And he wandered into the crowd, thinking how could he had agreed to made such a bet with Danelle, and lost.... *pulls down his skirt* This thing is so short...
  7. OH boy.......
  8. Dan Gray, 1,74m height, dark greyish hair, brown eyes, male, caucasian. Dan is the Head Accountance of the yet to be named big corporation, working there since he graduated from accounting school and making his way to his current position. Very commited to his work, Dan is seen as a regular acountant, boring and dull. ( pretty much as lawyers are sharks ) Outside work he keeps an ordinary life, married since he was 27 to his wife, and father of two 13 year old twin girls, and an affair with Danelle Cortéz, his secretary, all part of a regular Head Accountance dull and boring job! (still not sure if this should fit work or outside work ) Yes, I am still wondering how I got convinced to be Little Red Riding Hood, but yes I will be it.
  9. count me in, I will still have to think about char and costume!
  10. The sun was burning high in the sky however a small breeze from the sea made Fred's work easier to endure. He was in the edge of the forest, as he always did to pick some wood for his bakery oven. There, this should be enough for the rest of the week. Friederich was finishing to adjust the cargo when a sudden chill struck him, he gazed into the forest, all was quited, no birds were to be heard close by. In the shadows of the forest friederich saw nothing. Suddenly with a winds blow, trees began to rustle and the normal sounds of the forest returned slowly. On his way home, Friederich got some time to think about the forest and what lies beneath the eye, and how easy it is to... ooc: vote for Gryphon - Aaron "Longbow"
  11. Waking late as usuall, Friederich was gettin ready to leave to the bakery do get stuff ready for another night. As he left he noticed town was rather quiet, in fact, he recalled, he had not been woken by the milkman this morning. This was most indeed odd, odd or Louis was sick, so Friederich thought. Suddenly he recalled the howl and shivered.. could it be? Friederich dashed off down the street... ooc: Vote for Tanuchan - Olayna Nolan
  12. Friederich recorded the howl that chilled his very soul at that night as he strolled down the street. He had just started to work on the fermenting masses to bake the bread the villagers so much enjoyed when that sound from hell hit him. He was so lost in his thought that he almost ran over someone who was peaking at a local window trying to choose some candy.
  13. Meet Friederich Mann. Friederich or freddy as friends call him, is the local village Baker, he took over that job after his father who taught him all the secrets of the art. After Friederich had taken care of the bakery, his father set out to sea to become a pirate. Male, Caucasian, Age 21
  14. I am in, just need to think about who what why will I be...
  15. yes, really evil indeed!!!!
  16. Strolling down the street after having breakfast at noon, DC was quite thoughtful, aparently his last work would not work as he had expected. The dozens of white silloutes he had painted in the ground and buildings nearby the museum, all were empty, as this morning there had been no kill. Felling disapointed and somehow happy, as he might as well been the victim, he wandered back to the museum. Most of the Galleries where closed, his had always been from the start, the only two remaining where... well, can that be called art? DC made a short disaproval smile. And there is was, the most ugly ashtray one can think of, Cornellia's works.... and that last one, what was that exactly? And Cornelia itself? where was she? well, better of away from me DC thought, she is so, so, annoying in her little and simple way to think...hmmm sometimes, simple ideas are dangerous... ooc: vote for Tanuchan - Cornelia Chesterfield
  17. DC sleeps quietly after his last work!
  18. grrrrrrr sure there is, DC is still there!!!! :P
  19. The whole killing of artists was getting to DC's nerves, somehow he was puzzled he was still alive, reason telling him to leave the damn contest while he was still alive, no point in leaving in a big black plastic bag.... Anyway DC was not to leave, at least not for now, when he was so close to winning, but that arouse another question.... if he was not the one responsible for the killings then, he would be become a target before winning....unless, yes, unless... unless they were able to catch the killer.... ooc: vote for Venefyxatu - Ebinezer Marlend
  20. DC spent the day roaming around on the other artists places. No idea on his mind... One thing caught his eye, "Abscessed Tooth Representing the Decay of Modern Society", now that is something.... Still DC was unable to classify it... either genuinely pure or stupid dumb... I think I'll ask him to take some pics from my paintings and see what he can actually manage. and off he wandered to check the rest of the artists ooc: vote for.... Verileah - Milo
  21. Upon arrival, DC noticed everyone was already there, each one on his little boxes... Blah, there people will live their lives stucked in their own litle minds....worst... they are getting dangerous... He then changed the sign on the entrance to his space. Painted over the previous one, GO PLAY OUTSIDE! Hmmm... all these geeks seem so harmless...I can't believe it... OOC: vote goes to Finnius / Ed the Fish
  22. Waking up late as usual after a night of work, DC zombied around the apartment to get something to eat. He!he! Those people will get quite a surprise when they go open the ehxibit today he, he! DC has just made a gigantic bomb hit on the floor before the entrance museum, a jungle it was filled with wild and free beasts Turning on the TV, DC almost choke with the news, after all he was the one to be surprised. He jumped into some clothings and went out
  23. Dennis was no man to wait for no grand openings. Those who came to the exhibit by the west side of the museum were greeted by another of DC’s bombing or so called free art. He had tagged his name from top to bottom of the museum west wing. Inside his room was empty, a sign on the entrance read, GO OUT!
  24. Dennis Cleaver, know as DC. 16 year old punk (kiddo) a Grafitter. Or should I say a Wannabe.... Growing up on the poor side of town and after a not very sucesseful school years, he slowly made his way in the underground scene in Dalton. It was only this year that the city itself became aware od DC when he made a bombing run, grafitting several public service buildings in a single night. After a night in jail, DC published a manifesto for the freedom of art and it's boundaries....
  25. Yay! I'll play....I am not exactly sure when I'll have the time to set up a char... so I'll try asap cause.... I'll be away from wednesdaty till sunday....
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