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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Whisky in Babylon

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Everything posted by Whisky in Babylon

  1. I know, the point of it was to spark a discussion to get people to think which is why I did not think it was too out of place.
  2. Oh my, that has to be one of the best entrences I've ever seen, and one of the warmest welcomes too! Thank you very much it was a real pleasure to meet you!
  3. Tonight I was watching Glenn Becks show, granted half the things he says I cannot agree with but sometimes its a really interesting show. Tonight for the full hour he had a woman on his show who I thought was one of the most inspiring woman I've ever seen. Her name is Irshad Manji, some of you might know of her, but for those who dont she is a Muslim Activist and is now fighting to make people see that things can be peaceful in Islam, that the Koran can be questioned and interpreted differently. Her website is http://www.muslim-refusenik.com/aboutirshad.html Check it out cause shes really fantastic. On Glenn Becks show she brought up that Islam in the 12th centery used to be thriving, it was alright to veiw things differntly and question meanings that not everything is so literal. I also found it interesting that in the Koran it says that it is a womans choice to get married, that she can even have a pre-nup and is just as equal to a man but most woman dont know this because they are kept away from it, after all if you keep people dumb it is much easier to control them. I am very fond of questioning and I think people should never stop questioning its how things will change and become better and thats what shes fighting for. Most people fear however which is why no one stands up, no one questions like they should or challanges those who really need to be challanged. I wish there was more people like her out there and I am so glad to know that people are starting to speak up not only here but in Islam aswell however dangerous that may be, and it is very very dangerous. Its just really inspiring to see this woman stand up fearlessly and bring back the age of questioning and to challange an entire group and more people should be like this, not just with Islam but with everything, with our goverment, with other religions and organizations. To have a mind of your own and to use it and not be afraid to speak your opinion is what she fights for, she truely is an amazing woman whos voice, and the voices of others, are much needed in this time. I really wanted to bring her plight to the boards cause It is a very important issue. Your thoughts?
  4. Thanks for the advice I'll keep it in mind
  5. Well hopefully this is the place to do this....Im kinda doing this late but better late than never I suppose. I just wanted to say Hi to everyone and introduce myself. Im 18 and mainly paint and act but I've always had a secret passion for writting but I just never developed that as much as I wanted to so (other than doing some play writting) so Im here to try to get better at poetry and stories, and hopefully make a few friends along the way cause that'd be really nice too. and there you have it
  6. oooh I got so excited to play hehe, well I really hope theres another round madlibs are so much fun!
  7. Well thank you yeah I see what your saying about the capitaliztion, its actually kinda a habit of mine when I write to capitalize things I dont know where I picked it up but I've been trying really hard not do do that. I'd love for you to do a full critique
  8. Very simple and cute.
  9. Wow I really like this. The flow of it is really nice and was really enjoyable to read. Like Quin said it really does fall like jacobs ladder and just all and all is a really good poem.
  10. The clocks red light reads 1:32 am, she smiles as she sees than looks to him and her smile grows that much more. "Its raining pretty hard" He saids looking to the window. All she does is smile and takes his hand with a chuckle. "Lets go!" "What?" "Lets play in the rain" "Its pouring" "So?" She jumps up putting on her shoes with the rainbows and unicorns on them, she knows they will be ruined but who cares? He is now grinning as he slips on his shoes which also will likely be ruined in the dancing rain. Both armed with only sweatshirts and pajama pants, hand in hand venture outside. It is not long before the rain does what rain does best, Soak everything. But thats alright they are together and free from all the troubles of daily life. The park is near by and will be theirs for the night. The lake is a pool of ink unsettled by a thousand tiny drops and the dock a dark hand streching out twords the silent island in the center. She lays upon the dock and smiles reaching out twords the water. "It feels like theres no bottem." "Dont fall in" "I wont..." "Yes you will come here.." He helps her up and steals a kiss, or is it that she lets him have it? They cannot see eachothers face but both know how beautiful the other is even in the pouring darkness. "Lets start to head back" "Alright" They turn and go down the road pocked with puddles that go to the shin. She of corse laughs and jumps in everyone she finds. He cannot help but admire his playful soaked maiden. Inside the house now they both glance across the mirror their hair is reduced to dark strings that cover their shinning eyes. Their hands now held tight and their clothes nearly falling off with the weight of the water. They are wet, shivering and probably going to wake up with a cold. But they are happy, truely and unquestionably happy with their arms now wraped around eachother and the sound of the down pour in their ears. ------ This is the true story of a night I spent with my very special boy who currently is in flordia while Im in new york and I miss him so much so I thought I'd share my most fond memory with him. I hope you enjoyed it.
  11. Oh man Zool, I have done that with my dreams before, and sometimes not because they were painful just cause they had a crappy ending. Now have you gone out at 12 in the morning all by yourself after it snowed and made a snowman just because it was the perfect kinda snow for making snowman. Things like that really should not be wasted you know.
  12. I saw Pan's Labyrinth about a week ago. I was really excited about it cause I had found out about the film about 8 months before and it seemed to be really interesting. I was worried though that I'd never get a chance to see it since it was in only a few theatres but finally it came out by me. When I saw the trailer I went "This movie is made for me" I had really high hopes and usually I dont like to get my hopes up high with movies cause they tend to dissapoint. With this film however I was very pleased that my hopes were not crushed. It is in spanish which threw me off cause I really dont enjoy listening to it but it really was not that bad and the subtitles did not take away from the movie one bit. Visually it was amazing the creatures looked fantastic cause they used very little cg with them which gave them a more real feeling. It is very dark... the darkest fairly tale I've ever come upon and it was a nice change from the norm. I dont want to give away the story for those who have not seen it but suffice it to say it was both very familiar and different at the same time. It was nice to see a fantasy movie done well. On that note I just want to say Eragon is one of the worst most vile peice of garbage out there. An awful movie based off an awful book. I've had friends who have seen and liked it and I just cant understand it... I really cant... it looked and ran like a SciFi Orginal movie... Its not worth 9 bucks to see it not even the 5 it costs to rent. Who ever let this movie be made and put in theatres should be ashamed of themselves. Thats all
  13. Alright I have not written anything in years so its not going to be anything special or even that good but here goes: Miss Queen Sitting high on the throne With roses and wine Kissing the cheeks of all who are pretty But none are as lovely as you Miss Queen Who shines on the Tv and flipped through the pages Oh! Miss Queen Give me your secrets What pill do I buy? What meal do I skip? I want to be pretty like you Miss Queen I am a size 8 make me a 0 Look Miss Queen How Lovely my ribs are How Tiny my hips are How Thin my arms are How very lovely I've become just like Miss Queen Because I've swallowed the pill and skip the meal See Miss Queen Prices that I've paid The Health I've forsaken But its alright Im beautifully dying now Miss Queen Nevermind death though at least I will be Lovely Just Like You Miss Queen. -------- And there you have it... Miss Queen. Please feel free to help me make it better I know I could use the advice
  14. I have some... not from me personally but a bunch of my friends moved to flordia recently... and I was told a few life lessons I'll be sure to keep in mind.... Do NOT wash all your clothes in a bathtub, they will NOT dry for a very very long time. There is no Bottle Return in Flordia. If the toliet starts to over flow do NOT try to scoop up the water with mugs than not tell anyone what mugs you used. Trying to get booty from myspace girls does not always work... and is a dumb idea to start with. Needless to say they really need a chick down there with them....
  15. "Love as Thou Wilt" - Elua from the Kushiel Series "I never have to look for trouble, its always right there real handy when I wake up in the morning"-Dutchess and the dirty water Fox "That which is dead may eternal lie and with strange aeons even death may die" - H.P Lovecraft, Call of Cthulhu And "The world around me has always been mad. Where have you been?" - The World Inferno Friendship Society, "Leni Reifensthal at the End of Time
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