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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Whisky in Babylon

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Everything posted by Whisky in Babylon

  1. Moving can be so exciting! Congrads and good luck with everything
  2. Hi! Its always so nice to meet new people, and if you love writting than you really have come to one of the best places to do it! Hope to see you around
  3. Stumbling through the street all is dark all is quiet do not turn to the ally the stars above show no pity have no remorse for fools but go if it pleases you sink into your addictions wallow in self hate bathe in the filth do it if you love it so go if it pleases you does the bite of a needle feel good? is the tainted blood everything you thought? hmm, you want more, you need more? Fine than turn to the ally stretch out your arms long poison your body to live but remember the stars above show no pity have no remorse for fools
  4. Have you ever had a dream that you were doing stunts with Jonny Noxville, Bam and other guys... than your mom came and started doing stunts too.....so weird...
  5. I just wanna say there are no hard feelings twords anyone about this whole thing. I think its great that this has happened to be honest though it was not my intent. Everyone does not always get along, smile and hold hands, thats not realistic at all. People disagree, people aruge its how we grow and see things differently. Thats why I think a topic like mine once in a while is great cause it lets us open up and get closer to our fellow members, its not fair that things like this are locked away in a private section it should come to the public. We are all adult enough to have arugments and not come to hate one another or say nasty things. Its just Ironic that what my orginal topic was changed so fighting did not happen, and here we are. Heh
  6. This is becoming a war. All I wanted was to tell everyone about this story which I thought was so great and to hear what they wanted to say...I had to change it to make it accepted and now it has been twisted even more. I did not want it to be changed in the first place I just wanted a good talk, and I got a war. Enough. My topic has been ruined even more than it already was. the whole point of changing in the first place was so that flamming and depate did not start and yet now that I have changed it to be "better and more suited to the fourm" its become what I was trying to advoid. I do love how people have stood up for this I truely do, and this debate is awesome, but what I had planned for has been so bent, all I wanted was to tell a wonderful story to let people know that there is still hope for this world. so I say enough with this, I did not want to know everyones inspiration and I did not want to split the fourm down the middle, all I wanted to know veiws and thoughts on the story... Please take this in private, make another thread something... I just want my topic how I truely intended it to be... and this is not it.
  7. 1. Frightening 2. Dance 3. Regina Spektor 4. Pinky 5. Flip 6. Hips 7. Rage 8. Cute 9. Pen 10. Scotland 11. Him 12. Excitement 13. Silly 14. Spontaneous 15. Eye ball 16. Prance 17. Glasses 18. Wiggle 19. Elbow 20. Discontent 21. Kick Box
  8. I got a mean case of writers block, I'd like to fill in the poem a little more but for now this is what I got. .Drip .Drip .Drop . . . let it flow down hear it fall to the porcelain . down the drain through the tube . watch it all fade with a . .Drip .Drip .Drop . . ........... EDIT: Took Quins crit to heart. Thanks so much
  9. Oh I by no means felt harassed just a little put off, but I do understand what you are saying, and its all really put behind me. And it was not that you and rev were against the subject I know that, it was just that I could not get what I wanted out of the topic which was seeing the opinions of others on the board about it. It was not censored so much as it was turned into something else. But theres no hard feelings So lets get on with the inspiration!
  10. Thank you for that Ozy
  11. Whisky slumps in. her hair in pig tails laced with rainbow ribbons that match her socks that scale up to her knees. no shoes, and a simple black skirt with a matching short sleeve that has a pink snail on the left shoulder. Grumbling with a notebook in hand. She scribbles with her green pen...."Stupid..dumb... writers block...who invented writers block anyway!?...anti writers thats who...." gumble grumble.....
  12. I like these alot. they are all very nice and I like how most have to do with love you can really feel that when your reading
  13. haha well duh! but I meant what does that about your Emotional/mental state. cant be good when an internet quiz, cant figure it out... cause everyone knows that internet quizzes know all...and when it does not, well bad things happen
  14. Oh... what does that mean?
  15. 64 Your Emotional IQ is good - higher than average in fact. This means that, in general, you are able to express your feelings clearly in appropriate situations. You are optimistic and positive, and adapt well to altering circumstances. You are comfortable with yourself, and you know and appreciate your talents and strong points as well as your weaknesses. You are able to motivate yourself, and find the energy and the strength necessary to complete what you need to do to reach your goals. You are one of the resilient people who bounce back after major drawbacks, survive hardship without bitterness, and still manage to empathize with others. These skills will certainly bring you long-term benefits such as stronger relationships, better health and personal happiness.
  16. Aw im so glad it made you laugh
  17. I just want to say, there is nothing witty or clever about this poem its just good dumb fun Enjoy. Oh Zombies! How lovely the blood glistens off your rotted yellowed teeth and so quint is your decaying flesh as you pursue your deadly quest Effortlessly you tear, right through our cities disembodying our towns eating people by the pounds Your moans mixed with screams create such a wonderful gospel carried on through out the night even god himself cowers in fright So thank you dear Zombies for rotting your way into our media for munching and crunching into our hearts, we all salute you for doing your part We love you Zombies
  18. Oh wow th is was so sweet, you can really feel the love from this poem and it was very good at making you think of a certain someone while reading it. very romantic
  19. Can you see? Can you see... Me? Sitting here with mournful eyes and bloodstained tears tell me please that you see.. tell me please that I am not forgotten..
  20. Wow I really enjoyed this! I loved how it is very much a story and a epic story at that. Heh I cant help but be jealous at the same time because for the life of me I cant rhyme consistently so I greatly admire those who can and can do it cleverly like you have, well done!
  21. Welcome little Baby quickly now keep closed your eyes do not look to a world to vain to turn from the mirror of itself to selfish to glance away and see others at its feet begging and screaming Please don’t cry little Child the pain of a scrape is nothing compared to what you will face laugh while you can waste no happiness that comes hold it close you will need it later Hold your anger little Teen blood coursing and rushing through tightened veins will spill to the floor madness seeps deep into the brain blooming into jagged spite doomed to burst into shards of violence Love not little Adult keep the purest form of masochism away from the humans fragile heart cast cruel affections to a baron waste where it cannot visit you only to leave you shallow and empty -------------------------------------------------------- Welcome little Baby open now your tiny eyes bright and innocent left to gaze without prejudice or reservations the world is yours for the taking now life begins and radiates with brilliance Cry little Child there is no shame in letting crystalline tears weld up and fall like rain down velvet cheeks there is a time to laugh and giggle but for now let the sorrow flow Let your anger go free little Teen a rush of emotions strong and true release it let it flow through your veins madness is the product of letting it fester deep within the soul swirling and turning so set it free of its chains to run as a beast Love little Adult embrace the gentle strength hold it down and pin it to your heart smile with hope grasping tender affections stretching the human heart till it burns treasure this feeling never let it fly away
  22. If you cant find it, sounds like it could easily be re-made in photoshop if all else fails.
  23. Tonight I was watching Glenn Becks show, granted half the things he says I cannot agree with but sometimes its a really interesting show. Tonight for the full hour he had a woman on his show who I thought was one of the most inspiring woman I've ever seen. Her name is Irshad Manji, some of you might know of her, but for those who dont she is a Muslim Activist and is now fighting to make people see that things can be peaceful in Islam, that the Koran can be questioned and interpreted differently. Her website is http://www.muslim-refusenik.com/aboutirshad.html Check it out cause shes really fantastic. On Glenn Becks show she brought up that Islam in the 12th centery used to be thriving, it was alright to veiw things differntly and question meanings that not everything is so literal. I also found it interesting that in the Koran it says that it is a womans choice to get married, that she can even have a pre-nup and is just as equal to a man but most woman dont know this because they are kept away from it, after all if you keep people dumb it is much easier to control them. I am very fond of questioning and I think people should never stop questioning its how things will change and become better and thats what shes fighting for. Most people fear however which is why no one stands up, no one questions like they should or challanges those who really need to be challanged. I wish there was more people like her out there and I am so glad to know that people are starting to speak up not only here but in Islam aswell however dangerous that may be, and it is very very dangerous. Its just really inspiring to see this woman stand up fearlessly and bring back the age of questioning and to challange an entire group and more people should be like this, not just with Islam but with everything, with our goverment, with other religions and organizations. To have a mind of your own and to use it and not be afraid to speak your opinion is what she fights for, she truely is an amazing woman whos voice, and the voices of others, are much needed in this time. And that is what has recently inspired me, so what inspires you to write, or paint or even something that gets you up in the morning, anything
  24. I never put it up to have it be a debate, I just wanted to share because it could very well inspire someone to write a story about it, like I will probably do, also I thought it tied in well in the fourm to show that us as writters have such a huge opertunity to change the world and spark the question. But I am sorry if it really is out of place.
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