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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Whisky in Babylon

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Everything posted by Whisky in Babylon

  1. Whisky takes in a deep breath after the large not so nice looking men are called off. She gives them both a small subtle glare before fixing her suit and smiling to Bob. "Thank you very much... But since I only have five minuets I'll get to the point- and by the way thats a lovely suit you have on- I've been listening to your reports since I was little" She said in earnest. Dramatic pause. "You've inspired me, you really have.... so I come to you, asking, begging that you let me intern with you. My life would not feel whole without being able to work by your talented side!" She puked out with that sincere lovely smile, her eyes locked onto bobs as though if she were to turn away she'd turn to ash. "Please, wont you help a girl fulfill her dreams, and help the spread of cold hard news to the masses!" Dramatic Pause.
  2. It was not long after the latest report, wearing the most boring of gray suits, Whisky approched the most boring of news people, Bob Suloberrin. For once her hair was pulled back in a very tight highly uncomfortable braid (which ment that it probably looked really good.) It fell still and hard like a bloody dried rope down her stiff back. Enough oderless hairspray in it to kill more than a few whales, or some other large animal not so easy to kill, welll you have to keep such untambable hair tamed somehow. A monical ar her right eye and a breifcase in her left hand she came face to face with Bob. (<insert really dramtic unnessasry music here, followed by dead silence>) She cleared her voice and smiled somewhat.... she always thought him to be better looking but whatever. "Well good-day sir, mm yes, a smashing good day, and a smashing good report I might add, good sir. I will be sure to not go to the chile endurance competition! yup you bet your tight wad a-Ahem, you you just bet I wont be going there after that well thought out and intense broadcast....." She pauses for a moment, sensing that he would probably get tired of her just making casual conversation, so it was time to get to the point!."Well anyway, might I have a word or a few with you?..." She said, standing tall in her "borrowed" boots, speaking in her most adult of adult voices. "..Please?"
  3. Oh its Gwaihirs birthday how wonderful! *cuddles for Gwaihir* May your birthday be filled with joy, presents and fun times!!! aka have a really happy birthday!
  4. Page of the Pen? Oh how exciting! And congrads to everyone else!!
  5. Right Brain |||||||||||||||||||| 82% Left Brain |||| 20% *giggles* Wow... so much for the left side, huh?..
  6. Scanning...... Scanning................ Subject: Whisky Hotshots Mallone Weight- 110 Height- 5"2 Blood Type- A Race- Probably human or something Gender- female of some sort Occupation- being awesome always/Zombie afficionado Sign- Leo after meeting her for five seconds you’d know it Favorite Color- Orange the kind that would blind you for a week Appearance- Short and slender, pale skin with dark red hair with lighter red streaks though it is grossly obvious that its not natural, but who cares cause it looks good anyway. Always seen wearing thigh high rainbow leggings, and sometimes wearing other strange though cute article of clothing, but only if she really feels like it and an eye patch here and there cause someone once said they were cool. Her hair is often tied up in two high pigtails adorned in more than one cheap plastic bright hair clips. On her left wrist many silver bangels and a ring on her middle finger with the word PEACE engraved on it, on her right wrist many cheap colorful plastic bracelets including a rainbow brite band, and on her pointer finger a thick plastic rainbow ring. All of which never come off, which leaves really funny tan lines. Personality- Arrogant and saucy not needing any kind of positive reinforcement, she already knows how awesome she is already. The subject is also very loud and chatty, likely to chat your year off while making you deaf all at the same time. Not very good at multi-tasking though really good at forgetting what she was doing and or becoming amused by the next nearest object partially if said object is cute, shiny or moving in anyway. Enjoys starting a conflict and arguing with anyone who does not see eye to eye, more so if said argument/conflict helps to change something. Generally very mild in temper however will become hostile should any, Anti- Woman, Semitic, Abortion, Animal, Homosexual. Or Pro- Racism of any sort, comments be made at any time, she may be little but she will tell you off like a sailor. On one final note Subject is cute as a button, just not as quite as one. Hobbies/Interests- Video gaming, reading, collecting thickens and over all crap, painting, writing, all things cute except hello kitty and animal crossing, all things awesome IE: Zombies, Spartans, Snakes, Gratuitous Violence, Women with big weapons, Bunnies with big weapons, Chainsaw Guns...ect...Rainbow unicorn Kisses, panda bears, Rainbow brite, The stage/acting and her Dictionary of simile from 1917. Subject is to be considered armed and probably not dangerous at all. End Transmission. ........ (And there you have it, Whisky Hotshot Mallone. I do hope you enjoy her, I know I sure do....cause you know shes me, and im pretty damn awesome if you ask me )
  7. Well just wanted to let everyone know that on monday (the 19th) I'll be leaving for Flordia. Visting my boy who moved there about 2 months ago, and I miss him . So yeah I'll be down there for about 2 weeks, till april fist. Hopefully by seeing him I'll get rid of this writers block, I think this will do some major good for getting the creative juices flowing again. So I'll miss all of you and I'll see ya when I get back!
  8. St. Patricks Day
  9. This is right up my ally! Vanguard seems fun, but meh, its an mmo so not really worth the time. However if your comp can handle it, get Elder Scrolls Oblivion. One of the best games out there though you'll need a pretty tough comp for it. F.E.A.R is a very creepy shooter, and alot of fun... a game that when you finally get shot and take damage you go "Oh thank god" The Sims 2 is alot of fun with all 100 of its expansions ;p so its a bit costly after a while. As for the ps2 Guitar Hero is a great buy Devil May Cry 1&3 (2 was a god awful game Metal Gear Soild 3 Guilty Gear x-2 Digital Devil Saga 1&2 and X-box Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Dragoon Orta Gotta say Halo 2... so theres just a few of what I would recomend, so I hope this helps
  10. Oh this seems super fantasicly fun! I'll play too
  11. Have you ever dress up as raver fairies and put on crazy makeup than took awesome pictures? (cause if you have not, you really should )
  12. interpretation
  13. "Yay I did it!... so very glad you enjoyed the poem..." Whisky glances around a hand on her hip eyeing Wyvern. Smirking slightly before giggling. "That is... it was the poem you enjoyed... yes?... well of course it was..." She pats his scaley head and turns to leave just as he gets to his idea. She stops and turns. "Hmm... model in skimpy outfits, highly degrading to any woman who had any respect for herself, all the while offending every creature man or woman, and causing trouble and stares wherever I went..." She is silent for a moment... "Sounds like a job not for the weak of heart. Mr Wyvern... I do beleive you have yourself a deal" She again pats him on the head before she turns on one heel and heads off to do more Whisky like things, laughing softly to herself as she leaves. "thats some really Hot Whisky....ah thats good..." (Thank you so much for accepting me! )
  14. Pretty much what the title says. Its so hard to paint, and write all at the same time, creaitivity can only be spread so much, I often find myself having writers block. listening to music is a great way to get the juices flowing again, but lately even that has been doing nothing. I feel so apathetic and generally un-creative. So its time to share! What helps get your juices flowing? any methods? special little tricks? I'll stand upside down and sing mrs marry mack 12 times before drinking suger water. So where is the slayer of writers block, cause I need a knight in shinning armor!
  15. Whisky- Picked an extra big sunflower and went to smell it, she than swallowed a honey bee and started to choke. After narrowly surviving that (Having coughed up said bee) she was promply stomped on by an angry albino moose just because he could.
  16. Oh my god, a freaking Mortal Kombat Poem... this is the best thing ever I could kiss you for this. I'd say this is very nice, but its mortal kombat... so This is very Brutal. I really enjoyed it, obviously.
  17. If you want to read your poems outloud and have people be impressed by your work, dont read them drunk, cause you can never read them right...nope not at all.
  18. Well heres to probably offending alot of people. Enjoy. Laced with velvet black and lacerations of white fall to your knees scream to the one you call God or is it all a cruel joke? A lecher behind a mask of purity? The indulgent fool in the cloak of the righteous? Perhaps you are the biggest fool of all, who kneels before the alters begs forgiveness and immunity from damnation, sing the praises out of fear far more than love. So scream to the one you call God scream till your throat becomes raw but where is his true voice? Will he ever scream back to you? Not the Masquerade that is man a word scribed in the time when men were little more than beasts and women were little more than cattle So cast me aside, I will not grovel at your feet force my nature back down my throat. take away the temptations that make me human no, send me to fire, I will not change what I am You see, I get the joke catch the lecher and silence the fool I will not stand to be one of the fools who kneels before the alters begging forgiveness and immunity from damnation, singing the praises out of fear far more than love. I will not to scream to the one you call God..
  19. Whisky steps up nerviously though smiling... setting down her paper and clearing her throat... "Well here goes nothing.. hope you like it.. getting kinda tired of bein just an honored guest... as honrable as that is, not really my style, so here you are. Enjoy." A splash of green a dash of red blots of purple and bits of blue. To cry like the broken hearted maiden dance like water down the drain sing as the bard under the moon kiss as the lovers in the midday sun, let passion step into its place stain your jeans with colors of emotion sink deeper into how you feel and not just what you feel. fall deep fall slow fall into the painting Fall into Life
  20. Just a little something I scribbled down after havign a talk with a friend about a really terrible relationship she was in. Enjoy. Scar my skin do it with love even though its a lie, breath a toxic cloud down my throat, crush my spirit with an embrace. Take my heart tight I know how rough you’ll be, I’ll crawl into your lap over and over. To sulk in the deadly rapture that is your love, so please run your nails into my skin render the flesh from my bones though you will never make me whole .
  21. The brightly colored girl skips gleefully in, a curious light enters her eyes as she looks on this little green fella. She smirks. "What cute little ears!... they remind me of leaves that happened upon a hungry caterpillar, yup they sure do." From her overly long sleeves she pulls out a small glass and a flask and smiles. "Have a shot of whisky on me... you look like you could use it, little guy"
  22. I read the entire set of the dragonlance books... I still own everyone and I would likely read them all over again, even though I know the ending made me furious and the books really were not good at all, I cant help but enjoy them. That and i cant recall what the book was called but it was really bad, had a terrible plot and lewd dragon things in it... but I still lent it to a friend... Im a bad bad friend!!
  23. I did not even relise the order of it, It was kinda a quick scribble, but you are right so I will switch the two, it makes the poem sound and flow better. Thanks
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