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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Whisky in Babylon

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Everything posted by Whisky in Babylon

  1. This is gonna hurt...i can feel it...
  2. Hello again. I've been gone for a good long while, and I would like to start out by saying I'm so sorry for my sudden disappearance. Between getting into School, vacations, lack of internet and friends over the summer, to put it frankly has made it a bitch to get back on and get active. But things have settled down so I'm back (hopefully for good). Again I'm sorry for leaving without telling anyone.
  3. Slowly the light upon the news set turns on, showing off none other than Whisky. Dressed in a cheerleaders outfit indeed... just now what one might expect. Its the male version... the pants cut off high and slightly scruffy looking. The sleeves of the top torn off as well as half the torso and lastly her trade mark rainbow leggings ridding up to her thighs. Whisky is sitting cross legged upon the desk quickly looking up from her DS Lite, the pokemon theme playing obnoxiously for only a second before she turns it off and smirks. “Kon Ban Wa!.... that means Good evening in Japanese you know!” She giggles some and folds her hands in her lap. “Welcome to another installment of the Mini Cast.” Whisky jumps from the desk only to stand crossing one foot over the other and leaning back with that crooked smirk of hers. “Well third head of the evil hydra known as School is slowly being sawed off! Everyone knows what that means, time to put down the pencils and pick up the pens! This time of year is the perfect time to sit out in the beautiful sun and write your little heart out. So what are you doing here!? Go on get out there and compose a masterpiece!” There is a small pause, Whisky pulls a little red hard candy from her pocket and after dusting off some lint promptly pops it into her mouth.... Mmmm.. year old candy. .Awesome. “Now speaking of beautiful, seems activity has really started to pick up again. Such as the chat box getting more action than a std free hooker. As well as a slew of new faces... or at least people I’ve never seen before, either way just as the earth is buzzing with life so it the Pen!” She nods proudly and smiles happily. “So Before I say Sayonara, Just to let everyone know today May 10th 07 is National Receptionist Day! Happy National Receptionist Day, and thanks to all the hard working ladies who make our business meetings possible.” The lights starts to fade as Whisky waves to the cameras. “This message is approved by Whisky Hotshots Malone. And remember folks, keep on laughing. Sayonara!!” Everything goes black.
  4. Everytime I read this story it makes me cringe, yet it is that same grotesque imagery that makes me love the story. Its really one of my favorite peices that you've written so far.
  5. Always good to see a new face! welcome aboard
  6. The lights flicker on revealing a new girl?...One two messy half pig tails half buns, hanging like red string around her pale face. An eye patch on the right eye, for no real reason... and a little white dress with little boats on them. The dress coming only about mid thigh. Her legs covered by rainbow leggings, and her feel big plasic yellow platforms. Surely this was not the Whisky who wanted to intern with Bob Tightpants. Well guess what it is punk so stop questioning everything! “Well well! This is more like it... Miss me folks? Well you should have!” she leans back in her chair her feet crossed upon the desk, papers scattering everywhere. “Lemme just start off todays Mini Cast by saying, Its great to have you back Wyv!...so help me, if I had to get coffee for Uptight McBoretown one more time, I was going to jump off the Conservatory... really I was!” .................................................................... <instert long akward pause> “Oh right news and stuff... well as Wyv pointed out, there is not much going on. Though I do have one thing to add. As most of you might be wondering what happed to McBoretown?.. Well after charming my way into the studio and cleverly getting the Orb thingy..McBoretown was overthrown.... But out of the mercy of my heart he is still employed as the janitor in charge of the bathrooms!... what can I say Im a sweetheart.” She fusses with her hair a moment, then takes off her eye patch putting it on the other eye... theres whispering off stage... she glances over and blinks... “Oh we are still rolling... oh I have to actually end it... oh yeah okay...” She looks to the camera. “Well folks thanks for listening and stay tuned for whenever the Mini Cast comes again!... This is Whisky Hotshot Malone.. And remember, Keep on laughing.” She winks now with her left eye, and smirks as the lights fade to black.
  7. Happy Birthday Pheonix!!
  8. Enjoy. Morior Terra "Dying Earth" She gasps and claws for a breath that will not come, she holds onto the life that will not return the embrace, she struggles now not to eternally close her eyes. But they will close. Wash your filthy hands dripping hot still with blood, stained brown from a womb torn violently open the plastic knife only grew more keen since the first thrust. Or is the weapon of choice an oil soaked rag slipped around a ivory throat? What of the finger prints upon a mechanical coil found driven into a silky breast? The culprits sit tall on a throne of death and decay ensnared in the rapture that is their own arrogance begging for more to fill the void of an insatiable hunger. Blind to the coming death of all things ignoring the signs of a coming judgment that will not arrive from an angry god but from ourselves as we raise the stake for a final blow. And so here we are, too stupid to treasure the one and only thing that gives us all life, too buried in our lethargic apathy to do anything about it. Except to die with her.
  9. Wow this is really late to be bringing this up...I just like to comment on the comments after I get a few and I never noticed the others as I left shortly after posting it. First thanks for not tearing me appard due to the veiws. Well thank you for your comments and crit, its one of my favorite poems so Im glad it was overall liked ps. For Merelas: It was my attemt to describe priests without actually saying priests.
  10. Um...does being the person shooting....uh... does that count?.................
  11. It was growing late in the evening. Malo the Manatee sat at his desk working hard on his essay for his class, Human Biology. It was far past the deadline but he still had a chance to get at least some credit, that is, if he finished by tomorrow. Though it was unlikely it would save his grade for the semester. He should have been done, but after his roommate had told him his essay seemed far too hifalutin, Malo decided to start over. However in the marine world parties beacon often and Malo soon got side tracked. He could not be blamed for it, the sweet nothings that promised him free teriyaki chicken was just too much temptation for him to take. It was a rare treat and those crazy Dolphins were throwing their annual human cuisine party, the theme this year was Japanese. Malo knew his essay was due the next day but he went anyway. Dinning on all the chicken and saki he could get his hands on, (Manatees are not known as Sea Cow for nothing). It soon got late and he hobbled home quickly passing out at the dorm. And now Malo sat at his clam covered desk working hard. Though knew he was doomed to fail his Human Bio class, but with the lingering after taste of warm saki and teriyaki chicken he knew that it was worth it. Epiphany Dinosaur Singing Play
  12. Started to clean paint than relised that the paper towel looked cool with all the colors, so you than made a bigger mess with the paints just so you could clean it up and make Rainbow paper towels?
  13. Whisky aimlessly wanders in. A blank look on her face as she strolls by, hands folded behind her back.. head tilted up to the sky a blank look in her blue eyes. Though soon she snaps out of it at the sounds of voices... tilting her head to the side she skips over. In her rainbow leggins and all she peeks over Wvyerns shoulder a big confused as to whats going on. "Can I play too?" After all the best way to get involded in something is to just jump in (even if you dont really know what that something is)
  14. Your sitting right behind me..but Im going to do this anyway. YAY!
  15. The lights slowly flicker on for the young intern, now trying her hand at her very first mini-broadcast. She sits there before the camera messing with her dull grey suit for a second before a coarse whisper comes from off camera. "Psst... your on!" Her head jerks up and she gives her best smile. "Good Evening and welcome to the Mini Cast, with me Whisky Hotshots Mallone." She fidgets with the plain paper infront of her, nothing writen on them save for a small stick figure fighting a bear on the upper left corner. "For my very first story..." (Insert dramatic news music) "The Chat Box... a pleasent way to chat away the time and become closer.... or a deadly innocent eating monster, out for your blood and the blood of your children?...Find out more in a second..." ................. "Welcome back...After observing and being an active part of the Chat Box, its darker side started to become apparent. While it is a great place to get to know people just make sure you have a few sins on your record." Dramatic pause "Does the Chat box enjoy, Chinese? Ramen? Italian?... No, its far more sinister than that. So what does the Chat Box enjoy for a snack...I'll tell you... Flesh of the Innocent... Pure of soul and heart beware, do not stand too close to the Chat Box or you may be next." There was a sudden long silence. Whisky places her hand to her ear nodding a few times..."Yeah...uh-huh....This just in! Another Chat Box has shown up claiming to be the real chat box!!.... We'll have updates as the story unfolds!" The Camera turns dramaticly and so Whisky spins on her chair to meet it all dramatic like. "In other news, expect Pen Weather to be brown as usual." Whisky leans back in her chair, pushing a lock of red hair behind her ear before again shuffling through the plain peices of paper. "Well that is all for the very first Mini Cast... Thank you and have a lovely Evening!" She winks to the camera as the lights slowly fade to black!.
  16. Whiskyinbabylon (I could not help myself )
  17. oooo I see we have a HP Lovecraft fan, very nice! After feeling farless than fulfilled upon reading through the nekonomicon, it was time to dive into the world of true nightmares. How this hellish manuscript was found was anyone guess, but now it rested in the hands of young Gabriel and his friends. The Necronomicon creaked slowly open, its pages stiff with age and its ink fadded in time and so they began to read through the dark scriptures. Laughing and joking about the deities and creatures of the mythos afterwords, there was a knock on the bedroom door. The boys looked up, Gabriel stood and opened it only to look upon a tall Egypian man. He smirked to the boys who looked up to him with an unknown terror. "W...who are you?" There was a chuckle... and an answer "The Crawling Chaos, you called?.." The boys went pale, everything sunk into endless shadows...when it clearned only death was left. Next set of words. Rainbow Elephants Tea Goblins
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